The results of studying the Pc4–5 pulsation parameters based on the method of bistatic backscatter of radio waves, using the EISCAT/Heating HF facility (Tromsø, Norway) and IMAGE ground-based magnetometers (Scandinavia), are presented. The observations were performed during the morning hours on October 3, 2006, when a substorm developed on the nightside. An analysis of the observational data obtained from 1000 to 1020 UT indicated that wave-like disturbances with periods corresponding to Pc4–5 pulsations (80–240 s) existed at that time. The variations in the full vector of the ionospheric irregularity motion and the electric field strength in an artificially disturbed high-latitude ionospheric F region has been reconstructed based on simultaneous Doppler observations on two paths. A general conformity is observed among the time variations in Pc4–5 pulsations in the magnetic and ionospheric data: between the velocity amplitude (|V|) and the X component of the Earth’s magnetic field and between the irregularity motion azimuth and the Y component. Large-scale waves, corresponding to the natural resonances of magnetic field lines (small values of the azimuthal number |m| ∼ 2–4), and small-scale waves (large values |m| ∼ 17–20) were simultaneously registered during the experiment based on magnetic data. It has been indicated that the periods of wave-like processes registered using the method of bistatic backscatter and ground-based magnetometers were in agreement with one another. The formation of wave-like processes is explained by the nonstationary impact of the solar wind and IMF on the Earth’s magnetosphere. The variations in the IMF, according to the ACE satellite measurements, were characterized by a sharp increase in the solar wind plasma dynamic pressure that occurred at about 09 UT on October 3, 2006, and was accompanied by rapid polarity reversals of the north-ward-southward (B z) and transverse (B y) IMF components.
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Original Russian Text © T.D. Borisova, N.F. Blagoveshchenskaya, V.A. Kornienko, M.T. Rietveld, 2011, published in Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, 2011, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 630–642.
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Borisova, T.D., Blagoveshchenskaya, N.F., Kornienko, V.A. et al. Characteristics of Pc4–5 pulsations obtained using the method of bistatic backscatter of HF radio waves, the EISCAT HF heating facility, and ground-based magnetometers. Geomagn. Aeron. 51, 620–632 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016793211050033
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016793211050033