A mathematical model, laboratory setup description, and results of a numericalexperimental study of specific features of an unsteady two-phase flow of the ethanol–air mixture in the duct of a resonance gas-dynamic system (RGS) are presented. The basic specific features of ignition of the fuel mixture in the resonance cavity are detected. The conditions of ignition are determined, and the ignition delay time of the fuel composition in the RGS is estimated. The data obtained in this study can be used for modeling physical and chemical processes and for choosing liquid fuel injection modes satisfying the conditions of ignition of two-phase fuel mixtures in the RGS.
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Original Russian Text © K.Yu. Aref’ev, A.V. Voronetskii, M.A. Il’chenko, S.A. Suchkov.
Published in Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 34–42, July–August, 2017.
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Aref’ev, K.Y., Voronetskii, A.V., Il’chenko, M.A. et al. Numerical and experimental study of ignition of a two-phase fuel composition (ethanol + air) in a resonance gas-dynamic system. Combust Explos Shock Waves 53, 398–405 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010508217040037
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010508217040037