Use of publicly available information to offer radical retellings of violence has powerful democratising potential, both in terms of who contributes to open source investigations and whose stories they centre. At a time when trust in government, media institutions and non-government organisations as fact bearers has been eroded, emergent open source methods have become “an alternative set of truth practices” (Weizman in Open Verification, e-flux, 2019). Yet there are few accepted guidelines on what is legally, morally, or ethically permissible in such investigations. A growing question among practitioners using open source techniques in human rights investigations is not “Can we do this?” but “Should we be doing this?” Here, we set out why intersectional feminist thought should be considered when grappling with the radical possibilities and serious ethical challenges of open source investigations. To this end, we offer practical examples of how an investigator might better situate their findings, show their workings, design for ambiguity, practice equity in attribution, and find new ways to care for themselves and others.
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The article is a direct response to an earlier article by Catherine D’Ignazio titled, “What would feminist data visualization look like?”, which became the book, “Data Feminism”, co-authored with Lauren F. Klein. Some of the structure of the original article by D’Ignazio has been retained. The article also draws on ideas discussed in the book chapter on ‘Ethics in Open Source Investigations’ by Zara Rahman and Gabriela Ivens for, Digital Witness: Using Open Source Information for Human Rights Investigation, Documentation, and Accountability. Special thanks to the generosity of our reviewers (in alphabetical order): Leenah Bassouni, Rebecca Echevarria, Alexa Koenig, Martyna Marciniak and Zara Rahman. Many thanks as well to Piper Haywood for copy editing and reviewing. The article was community reviewed by members of the nascent Feminist Open Source Investigations Group. Thanks to Matthew Battles, Jeff Deutch and Robert Trafford for their insights during the research process.
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A list of the digital guides, protocols and codes of conduct used in the research for this article, including those not given as examples in the main text.
Association for Progressive Communications
‘Feminist Principles of The Internet’, 2016
The Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense)
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The Human Rights Center at the University of Berkeley, California
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‘How to Run a Feminist Science Lab Meeting’, 2017
DART Centre for Journalism and Trauma
‘Handling Traumatic Imagery: Developing a Standard Operating Procedure’, 2017
Data and Society
‘How to Cite Like a Badass Tech Feminist Scholar of Color’, 2019
Design Justice Network
‘Design Justice Network Principles’, n.d.
The Engine Room
‘Ties That Bind: Organisational Security for Civil Society’, 2018
‘Investigative Web Research’, 2017
‘Technology Tools in Human Rights’, 2017
Eyewitness Media Hub
‘Making Secondary Trauma a Primary Issue: A Study of Eyewitness Media and Vicarious Trauma on the Digital Frontline’, n.d.
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Global Open Science Hardware
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International Organization for Migration
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Public Lab
Public Lab Code of Conduct, 2016
Trans*H4CK Code of Conduct, n.d.
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Dyer, S., Ivens, G. What would a feminist open source investigation look like?. Digi War 1, 5–17 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1057/s42984-020-00008-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s42984-020-00008-9