The underdeveloped institutional framework and trade barriers between China’s provinces make cross-province acquisitions challenging. We explore how Chinese firms can mitigate this problem. Drawing on social network theory we propose that cross-province rotation of political leaders—a key element of the promotion system of political cadres in China—is a mechanism enabling growth through cross-province acquisitions. We conceptualize rotated leaders as brokers between two geographically dispersed networks. We contribute to the literature on the characteristics of Chinese social networks, the effect of political connections on firm strategy, and the impact of political rotations on firm growth in China’s provinces.
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Muratova, Y., Arnoldi, J., Chen, X. et al. Political rotations and cross-province firm acquisitions in China. Asian Bus Manage 17, 37–58 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-018-0029-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-018-0029-7