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The dream as transdisciplinary territory: a psychoanalytically oriented method at the service of social research

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Subjectivity Aims and scope Submit manuscript


From a socio-anthropological consideration of psychoanalysis, we propose the dream as a way to access the study of malaise and as a territory for social research. The Transdisciplinary Laboratory in Social Practices and Subjectivity (LaPSoS) presents its theoretical and methodological contributions through a study entitled, "Everyday life, dreams and adolescent malaise". We outline the data collection protocol and its analysis matrix. We conclude by identifying research possibilities in the oneiric realm in which the tool of free association, a psychoanalytic method of dream interpretation put at the service of social research, made it possible to trace articulations between problems classically considered as either individual or social. This same method allowed the participants to guide the interpretation from their own associations. We propose that dreams are a relevant terrain for the study of contemporary subjectivities.

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  2. This category includes a group denominated AB, which represents 1% of the population also not included in the research.


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This article forms part of the work developed by the Transdisciplinary Laboratory in Social Practices and Subjectivity (LaPSoS), led by Esteban Radiszcz, from the University of Chile, in the framework of the project C13H01 of the Scientific Cooperation Program ECOS-Conicyt. We are especially grateful for the contribution of Rodolfo Vasquez and Jorge Fischer in the data collection phase.

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Capriroli, I.C., Castelli, S.A. & Torres, R.V. The dream as transdisciplinary territory: a psychoanalytically oriented method at the service of social research. Subjectivity 15, 54–69 (2022).

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