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Fluorescence resonance energy transfer at the single-molecule level

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Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a powerful spectroscopic method for measuring distances in the 2–8 nm range. Often, conformational changes and molecular interactions are difficult or impossible to synchronize, or too rare or transient to detect using ensemble FRET. Single-molecule FRET (smFRET) opens new opportunities to probe biomolecular conformational changes or interactions that are missing in static snapshots provided by traditional structural biology tools, as well as to measure the kinetics of these dynamics on various timescales and under physiological conditions, including inside cells. Advances in labelling technologies, combining smFRET with optical and magnetic tweezers and Bayesian inference-based and information theory-based analysis tools are revealing rich biomolecular dynamics. We also discuss the challenges and opportunities in integrating dynamics into traditionally static structural biology approaches, extending smFRET into cells and tissues, advancing technical innovations and democratizing the practice of smFRET.

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Fig. 1: smFRET and its advantages.
Fig. 2: Illustration of the experimental set-ups for smFRET.
Fig. 3: Data analysis for TIRF-based smFRET.
Fig. 4: Data analysis for confocal-based smFRET.
Fig. 5: smFRET studies of the temperature dependence of ribosome conformational dynamics.
Fig. 6: Cy5 fluorophore blinking.

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The authors thank the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for funding (R35 GM 122569 to T.H.) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2023R1A2C2006606 to N.K.L.). T.H. is an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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Introduction (T.H.); Experimentation (T.H., N.K.L. and S.Y.); Results (T.H., J.F. and S.P.); Applications (T.H. and R.L.G.); Reproducibility and data deposition (T.H. and S.S.); Limitations and optimizations (T.H.); Outlook (T.H. and S.S.); Overview of the Primer (T.H.).

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Dwell times

Durations of time that single molecules spend in a specific fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) state before transitioning to a different FRET state or photobleaching.

Excitation volume

The spatial region of the excitation laser around an imaged object in which impurities and background fluorophores may also be excited.

FRET states

Compositional or conformational states of a biomolecule that are distinguished by their fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiencies.

Multi-colour smFRET

Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) using three or more fluorophores with distinct emission colours, allowing the simultaneous monitoring of multiple energy transfer events.


A photochemical reaction between the excited electronic state of a fluorophore and molecular oxygen (O2) that destroys the fluorophore and manifests as a single-step decrease in the emission signal of a single fluorophore to the background level.

Photon budgets

The number of photons detected from a single fluorophore until photobleaching.

Triplet-state blinking

Turning off and on of a single fluorophore caused by transitions to and from a triplet electronic state, respectively.

Two-colour smFRET

The most common implementation of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET), involving a single donor and a single acceptor fluorophore of distinct emission colours.

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Ha, T., Fei, J., Schmid, S. et al. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer at the single-molecule level. Nat Rev Methods Primers 4, 21 (2024).

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