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ModelFinder: fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates

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Model-based molecular phylogenetics plays an important role in comparisons of genomic data, and model selection is a key step in all such analyses. We present ModelFinder, a fast model-selection method that greatly improves the accuracy of phylogenetic estimates by incorporating a model of rate heterogeneity across sites not previously considered in this context and by allowing concurrent searches of model space and tree space.

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Figure 1: ModelFinder obtains accurate phylogenetic estimates.
Figure 2: Advantages provided by ModelFinder.

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We thank D.Y. Wu, J.A. Eisen, P. Donoghue and A. Rokas for access to their data; E. Susko for discussions about the EM algorithm; and V. Jayaswal for constructive feedback. B.Q.M. and A.v.H. were supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF I-2805-B29).

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S.K., T.K.F.W. and L.S.J. conceived the method and executed a pilot study to assess the method's likely impact on model selection. B.Q.M. and T.K.F.W. implemented the method in IQ-TREE with contributions from S.K., L.S.J. and A.v.H. S.K., T.K.F.W., L.S.J. and B.Q.M. assessed the performance and accuracy of the method. S.K., T.K.F.W. and L.S.J. carried out the analyses of simulated and real data. L.S.J., S.K., T.K.F.W., B.Q.M. and A.v.H. wrote the paper.

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Correspondence to Lars S Jermiin.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Supplementary Table 1 (XLSX 54 kb)

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IQ-TREE-1.4.2.tar.gz (ZIP 4685 kb)

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Kalyaanamoorthy, S., Minh, B., Wong, T. et al. ModelFinder: fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nat Methods 14, 587–589 (2017).

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