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Assessment of Anthropogenic Impact on Marine Ecosystems and Biological Resources in the Process of Oil and Gas Field Development in the Shelf Area

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Water Resources Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Current methodology of environmental impact assessment in connection with the environmental consequences of hydrocarbons production in the shelf area is analyzed. Basing on the ecosystem approach, a scheme of environmental impact estimates is suggested, envisaging the use of a set of gradations (scales) to characterize spatial and temporal scope of impacts and their consequences, as well as criteria (thresholds) of impact permissibility, taking into account the natural variability in the population and ecosystem parameters. Estimates of the environmental and fishery-related consequences of hydrocarbon production in the sea shelf area at different stages of the process are compared to the available measured and calculated data. The suggested scheme of environmental impact assessment and criteria of permissible impacts are recommended for expert analysis, forecasting, and monitoring of the environmental situation in the sea shelf areas of Russia under the conditions of anthropogenic impact.

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Patin, S.A. Assessment of Anthropogenic Impact on Marine Ecosystems and Biological Resources in the Process of Oil and Gas Field Development in the Shelf Area. Water Resources 31, 413–422 (2004).

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