The littoral zone of shallow water bodies in the Czech Republic has been studied quite consistently at several fishponds. The use of algae, especially diatoms, for the monitoring of the state of lotic freshwater also has a long tradition. The main objective of the presented paper is to validate the feasibility of the use of littoral periphyton comunities for the biomonitoring of standing waters. At the investigated sites, littoral periphytic diatoms were studied together with selected enviromental variables (pH, conductivity, nutrients – especially total phosphorus) on three types of natural substrates (epilithon, epiphyton, epipelon). The evaluation of the diatom community was performed on the basis of the checklists of algal indicator species published by authors from the Czech Republic, Austria and the Netherlands. The data were subjected to statistical software NCCS 2000 (GLM Anova and ``Ward's minimum'' variance cluster analysis). Littoral periphytic diatoms appear to be good indicators of the fishpond water quality. The selected substrates show non-significant differences therefore the average values from all substrates were used. The best indicatory system for evaluation of Czech fishponds was van Dam's index.
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Kitner, M., Poulícková, A. Littoral diatoms as indicators for the eutrophication of shallow lakes. Hydrobiologia 506, 519–524 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/B:HYDR.0000008567.99066.92
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/B:HYDR.0000008567.99066.92