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Danish deciduous forest types

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Plant Ecology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In this study, the first comprehensive multivariate statistical analysis of Danish native forest vegetation, based on 1768 sample plots, is presented. Data were composed of data from literature sources and newly collected data. A series of cluster analyses resulted in 24 forest community types, grouped in beech (Fagus sylvatica), oak (Quercus robur-Q. petraea), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), alder-ash (Alnus-Fraxinus) and lime (Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos) types, in addition to mixed forest communities with several co-dominant tree species. The described communities are provisionally arranged syntaxonomically, when possible, according to the international phytosociological system. The distribution of ecological indicator values of pH, soil moisture and nitrogen is gradual in relation to the perceived plant communities. Many forest types, such as beech and oak dominated types, obtain indicated values for pH that span most of the indicated gradient. It is suggested that natural Danish forests probably would be composed of a multitude of canopy forming tree species. The present stands with one or a few tree species forming the canopy is the result of long anthropogenic influence and selective logging.

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Lawesson, J.E. Danish deciduous forest types. Plant Ecology 151, 199–221 (2000).

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