Participating in this study were 305 Chinese college students in Hong Kong. Objectives included (i) examination of the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI), (ii) exploration of the associations among various domains of sexual functioning, and (iii) description of Chinese students' sexual behavior. The Chinese DSFI shows satisfactory internal consistency, except the Information, Drive, and Satisfaction subscales. In general, sex-related domains such as sexual information, experience, drive, attitudes, fantasy, and satisfaction were related to each other and to body image. Compared to their counterparts in the U.S., Chinese college students were relatively sexually inexperienced and conservative. Mean ages of students having their first sexual intercourse experience were 17.14 for males and 18.13 for females; 11% of the students had premarital sexual intercourse experience, and the mean frequencies were once weekly for males and once or twice per month for females. Compared to female students, twice as many males acknowledged masturbation (21.4 vs. 43.8%), 4.2–8.2% students had experienced oral-genital sexual stimulation and 0–1.2% anal sexual activities.
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Tang, C.Sk., Lai, F.Dm. & Chung, T.K.H. Assessment of Sexual Functioning for Chinese College Students. Arch Sex Behav 26, 79–90 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1024525504298
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1024525504298