This article provides an extensive and comprehensive review of the effects of hormones on cognition. Studies detailing specific neurocognitive functions affected by variation in hormone levels across the life span are presented. Dysregulation of hormone levels is considered from models of both normal and diseased functioning. Patterns of cognitive dysfunction are described for a range of syndromes involving the neuroendocrine system, and evidence of specific neurophysiological mechanisms that can account for these findings is outlined. This review includes discussion of treatment outcomes and the permanency of endocrine-related cognitive dysfunction. The authors present a set of guidelines for clinical neuropsychologists to use for assessment of patients with neuroendocrine system dysfunction. Clinical and methodological issues in research and treatment settings are discussed.
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Erlanger, D.M., Kutner, K.C. & Jacobs, A.R. Hormones and Cognition: Current Concepts and Issues in Neuropsychology. Neuropsychol Rev 9, 175–207 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021634622577
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021634622577