Two sets of findings that emerged from a reviewof surveys assessing young people's use of contraceptionin the U.K. are outlined. First, the paper presentsestimates of contraceptive use for this population subgroup and, second, it notes severallimitations of surveys under review. The surveys use awide range of indices in measuring these differentaspects of contraceptive (including condom) use, whichhas made accurate cross-study comparisonsdifficult; hence most findings can only be presented asbroad estimates (usually depicted within a percentagerange), rather than as precise values. Nonuse ofcontraception among young people at last intercourse is 20 to30% and nonuse of the condom lies between 40 and 50%. Inlight of this review process, the paper presents acritique of the indices used, labels the importance of using standardized and easily understoodquestions and measures, and highlights the mosteffective means of recording the potential forconception and/or sexually transmitted infection.Recommendations for those about to conduct further research inthis area are added.
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Coleman, L. Comparing Contraceptive Use Surveys of Young People in the United Kingdom. Arch Sex Behav 28, 255–264 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018788310414
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018788310414