Researchers interested in the development of sexual orientation have investigated predominantly or exclusively White samples. To address this imbalance, the relations between sexual orientation and two biodemographic variables, birth order and sibling sex ratio, were examined in a sample of non-White men. The men (N = 823) were interviewed by investigators at the Kinsey Institute for Sex and Reproduction from 1938 to 1963. A significantly later birth order was observed for non-White homosexual men relative to non-White heterosexual men. Non-White homosexual men also had an elevated sibling sexratio. Results add to the generalizabilityof the birth order and sibling sex ratio effects previously observed to occur in (White) homosexual men.
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Bogaert, A.F. Birth Order and Sibling Sex Ratio in Homosexual and Heterosexual Non-White Men. Arch Sex Behav 27, 467–473 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018752513198
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018752513198