Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science (APS) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal which publishes high-quality cutting-edge work of all aspects of anesthesiology, perioperative science and beyond. The publication of the first issue of APS represents a milestone of the development in Anesthesiology-based perioperative medicine, which has the scope far beyond the concepts and practices of the traditional anesthesia care of patients. Launching this journal will likely provide the additional vehicle to advance the research and practice of Anesthesiology and Anesthesiology-based perioperative medicine and science.

APS will mainly promote the research and clinical practice of “4B + 4P → 4S”. “4B”: raising questions from Bedside; doing basic research on Bench; applying the research findings back to Bedside, and gaining Better outcomes. Researchers should not come back to bedside from bench with bare hands, but with “4P”: new Products, new Procedures, new Protocols, and new Proof of concept for clinical practice to achieve “better outcome”, namely as “4S”: Save more lives; Save higher quality of life; Satisfy more patients; and Save more medical resources. APS welcomes any papers in all aspects of the research with concept of “4B + 4P → 4S”, especially those reaching the “golden endpoints” and meeting the yet unmet medical needs stated as“4S” as above. Submissions of articles on clinical practice and investigation, basic and translational research, review, case report, big-data-analysis, systematic review and meta-analysis are welcomed, and those with high quality recognized by our reviewers and Editorial Board will be accepted and published promptly. APS highly values interdisciplinary-based work with certain novelty that focuses on perioperative care including anesthesia and brain health; perioperative protection of vital organ functions; big perioperative data and artificial intelligence, site and mechanism of anesthesia action, and precise anesthesia practice but not limited.

APS is glad to play an important role for education and training in anesthesiology and perioperative medicine. Due to increased demands from our patients and the expansion of anesthesiology to perioperative medicine and science, more and better trained young perioperative physicians, scientists and physician-scientists are needed today. We urge the editorial board to consider publishing articles contributed by authors who are dedicated in medical education and training.

The inaugural editors-in-chief, professors Jin Liu from China, Daqing Ma from the UK, and Zhongcong Xie from the USA, by inviting the international outstanding scientists and physicians to the editorial board and by encouraging authors from around world to submit their papers, sincerely hope to make the APS as a genuinely international scientific journal to reflect progress in anesthesiology and perioperative science throughout the world. APS is a journal of full electronic publishing with enhancements to its online version and electronic open access to overcome the limits of distance and time in communicating new development, exchanging new ideas and establishing collaboration internationally.

We earnestly welcome frank suggestions and criticisms from our contributors and readers. Your continued contribution and dedication will enable the journal to rapidly achieve its aims: to provide helpful information to our society and the public; to help training more qualified young physicians and scientists; to establish a comprehensive relationship for physicians, scientists and physician-scientists from all over the world; and ultimately to meet the unmet perioperative needs in improving the long-term outcomes of our patients.

Jin Liu, MD, PhD, Professor and Honorary Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.

Daqing Ma, MD, PhD, FRCA, MAE, Professor of Anaesthesia, Division of Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Imperial College London, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK.

Zhongcong Xie, MD, PhD, FASA, Henry K. Beecher Professor of Anaesthesia, Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Editors in Chief, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Science.