1 Correction to: La Matematica https://doi.org/10.1007/s44007-021-00010-x

A version of this article was posted prior to a final reading by the authors.

The original article has been corrected as follows:

On page 6, “(51,240,132),” was deleted from line -1 of Table 2. On page 8, “\(c_{e,b}\)” was changed to “\(c_{2,10}\)” in lines -8 and -5. On page 10, the distracting commas were deleted from Table 3. On page 20, “B-happy” was changed to “10-happy” and “\(\leq 10\)” was changed to “\(\leq 6\)” in line -9. On page 23, “three digits” was changed to “three base \(b\) digits” in line 3; “40481360” was changed to “481360” in line -2; and the third sentence after Theorem 43 was changed to “Instead, there are results on u-attracted numbers (see Definition 10) where \(u\in U_{2,b,c}\), the set of all numbers occurring in cycles of \(S_{2,b,c}\).”