Correction: AI and Ethics

When this article was published, a slight typesetting error in the equation was made, whereby parts of the formula where misplaced.

Instead of (\(\begin{aligned} \text {Impact Score}_{\text { privacy}}= & {} \frac{\text {Score}}{\text {Max Score}} \\ \text {AIA Score}= & {} \frac{\text {Impact Score}_{\text { privacy}} + \text {Impact Score}_{\text { transparency}} + \text {Impact Score}_{\text { accountability}}}{\hbox {No}} {\text {of evaluated principles}} \end{aligned}\)) it should be (\(\begin{gathered} {\text{Impact Score}}_{{\;{\text{privacy}}}} = \frac{{{\text{Score}}}}{{\text{Max Score}}} \hfill \\ {\text{AIA Score}} = \frac{{{\text{Impact Score}}_{{\;{\text{privacy}}}} + {\text{Impact Score}}_{{\;{\text{transparency}}}} + {\text{Impact Score}}_{{\;{\text{accountability}}}} }}{{{\text{N}}^{{\text{o}}} \;{\text{of evaluated principles}}}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered}\)).

The Original Article has now been corrected.