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Successful management of nonarthritic hip pain in young individuals has remained a challenge. A recent upsurge in the knowledge and understanding of this hip pathology in young individuals has prompted technical innovations that have enabled hip preservation surgeons to address a variety of problems of the hip joint. Hip preservation is a form of surgical intervention that delays or prevents the onset of arthritis and the need for a hip replacement in the future. The poor long term outcomes of arthroplasty in young individuals have prompted the surgeons to look out for the procedures to conserve the native hip. Previously, these procedures were performed on older adults, but in the recent past, the importance of hip preservation in younger adults has been highlighted, and lots of newer treatment modality are being used, in the last decade or so.

The 244 pages written in 32 chapters in this book on Hip Preservation Techniques, has been edited laboriously by Dr. K. Mohan Iyer. Dr. Iyer is well known in the orthopedic circles for his valuable academic contributions through more than a dozen books and research publications. A very few books have been written, till to date, on this title. This book is a comprehensive guide on various preservation techniques of the hip to provide comfort to the patients (especially the younger ones) and to avoid or alleviate the need for arthroplasty, shortly. The foreword of this book has been written by a known hip preservation surgeon, Dr. Ajay Malviya, of Northumbria Healthcare, UK. This book covers a wide variety of surgical procedures of the hip, to conserve or preserve the hip joint in younger patients. These procedures range from cartilage restoring techniques, mesenchymal cell therapy, hip arthroscopy, minimally invasive, and open procedures (including various types of osteotomy for children and young adults for hip dysplasia, the nonunion of the proximal femur, avascular necrosis, and hip osteoarthritis). The initial part of the book also deals with the background information and the importance of hip preservation and the biomechanics of the hip. This valuable book has specialist contributors in the field of hip preservation from all over the world. I found the book to be unique in its comfortable reading and numerous illustrations and should be quite useful for the medical and postgraduate student, clinicians, and researchers.