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We are entering our 12th year, and the SRS Board of Directors has instituted The Douglas Burton award for the best Adult Spine Deformity (ASD) paper published in the year.

Abstracts of all the ASD papers are sent to the Deputy Editors for grading and the top choice articles were then sent to the Deputy Editors whose area of practice is only ASD, and they voted on the best paper.

The best paper selected is “Proximal junctional failure after surgical instrumentation in adult spinal deformity: biomechanical assessment of proximal instrumentation stiffness” Maeva Lopez Poncelas; Luigi La Barbera; Carl-Eric Aubin (Published online: 09 September 2022). Spine Deformity: 11, 59–69 (2023).

Please click on the link above to access the full article.

The article will be recognized on the journal and SRS websites in the new year, as well as at the annual meeting. We congratulate the authors for this recognition.