Uniformly scatter the design points over the experimental domain is one of the most widely used techniques to construct optimal designs (called, uniform designs) for real-world high-dimensional experiments with limited resources and without model pre-specification. Uniform designs are robust to the underlying model assumption and thus experimenters do not need to specify the models of their experiments in advance before conducting them. A uniform design affords a good design space coverage that yields more accurate approximations globally using fewer experimental trials. The construction of uniform designs is a significant challenge due to the computational complexity. The existing techniques are extremely time-consuming (heuristic search techniques), difficult for non-mathematicians experimenters, and optimal results are not guaranteed. This paper tries to help non-mathematicians experimenters by providing a simple non-heuristic search technique for constructing uniform designs for experiments with a mixture of two- and four-level factors. The efficiency of the new technique is investigated theoretically and numerically. A comparison study between the new technique and the existing techniques is given. Furthermore, the applicability of the new technique for real-world applications is discussed and demonstrated by two real industrial experiments. The results show that the new designs that are generated by the new technique are better than the existing recommended designs.
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The author thank the two referees, Associate Editor and the Editor in Chief Professor Hee-Seok Oh for constructive comments that lead to significant improvements of this paper. The author also would like to thank Prof. Kai-Tai Fang for his kind support during this work. This work was partially supported by the UIC Grants (Nos. R201810, R201912 and R202010).
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Proof of Theorem 1
For any design \(\Gamma =(\gamma _{ik})_{i=1,k=1}^{a,b}\), define the following distances among its runs \(D^{\ne 0}_{ij}(\Gamma )=\sharp \{k:|\gamma _{ik}-\gamma _{jk}|\ne 0\}\) and \(D^{=2}_{ij}(\Gamma )=\sharp \{k:|\gamma _{ik}-\gamma _{jk}|=2\}\), and let \(i^{\star } =i-2^{t-1}n,\) \(j^{\star } =j-2^{t-1}n\) and \(C_a^b= \{a,a+1,\ldots ,b\}.\) From the construction procedures in Sect. 3 (cf. Step 4) with some algebra, we get the following relationships between the extended designs and their images
For any t-image design \(\mathbf{Z}^{(t)}=\left(\mathbf{Z}^{(t)}_1\,~\,\mathbf{Z}^{(t)}_2\right)=\left(z^{(t)}_{ik}\right)_{i=1,k=1}^{2^tn,2^{t}s_1+2^{t-1}s_2}\in U\left(2^tn,2^{2^{t}s_1}4^{2^{t-1}s_2}\right)\) with \(2^tn\) runs and a mixture of \(2^{t}s_1\) factors with two levels \(z^{(t)}_{ik_1}\in \{-1,1\},\,1\le i\le 2^tn,\,1\le k_1\le 2^{t}s_1\) and \(2^{t-1}s_2\) factors with four levels \(z^{(t)}_{ik_2}\in \{1,2,3,4\},\,1\le i\le 2^tn,\,2^{t}s_1+1\le k_2\le 2^{t-1}s_2,\) let \(z^{(t)}_{ijk_1}=z^{(t)}_{ik_1}- z^{(t)}_{jk_1}\) and \(z^{(t)}_{ijk_2}=z^{(t)}_{ik_2}- z^{(t)}_{jk_2}.\) Then, the analytical expressions of the discrepancies WD and LD in (4) and (5) can be rewritten in the following formulas, respectively
For any factor with four levels \(z^{(t)}_{ik_2}\in \{1,2,3,4\}\) with some algebra, we get
For any factor with two levels \(z^{(t)}_{ik_1}\in \{-1,1\}\) with some algebra, we get
From (11)–(14), the formulas (9) and (10) of the discrepancies WD and LD can be rewritten in the following efficient analytical expressions, respectively
From (6)–(8), the sum term in (15) can be written as follows
By the same technique, the sum term in (16) can be written as follows
From Theorem 1 in Elsawah (2021b) with some algebra, we get the following relationship between the dissimilarity among the runs of any sub-design \(\mathbf{X}_\sigma \in U(n,2^{s_\sigma }),\,\sigma =1,2\) and its corresponding extended design \(E^{(t-1)}(\mathbf{X}_\sigma )\in U\left(2^{t-1}n,2^{2^{t-1}s_\sigma }\right)\)
From (19), the sum in (17) can be rewritten as follows
By the same technique, the sum term in (18) can be written as
Combining (15)–(18) and (20)–(21) with some algebra, the proof can be completed. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 1
The proof is obvious from Theorem 1, where
Proof of Corollary 2
Since the base design \(\mathbf{X}\) is a saturated orthogonal design \(\mathbf{X}\in SOD(n,2^{s}),\) then \(h_{ij}(\mathbf{X})=\frac{n}{2}\) for any \(i\ne j\) (cf. Mukerjee and Wu 1995). From Theorem 1 and (22), the proof can be completed. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 3
The proof is obvious from the proof of Corollary 2. \(\square\)
Proof of Theorem 2
From the definition of \(H_{\mu _1,\mu _2}(\mathbf{X}),\) we get
From Theorem 1 and (23), the proof can be completed. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 4
The proof can be obtained from Corollary 1 by the same technique of (23). \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 5
For any design without replicates \(\mathbf{X}_1\in U(n,2^{s_1}),\) we get \(h_{ij}(\mathbf{X}_1)=0\) for only \(i=j\) and thus we get
The proof can be completed from Corollary 2 and (24). \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 6
The proof is obvious from Corollary 3 by the same way of (24). \(\square\)
Proof of Theorem 3
By the same technique of Theorem 2 in Elsawah (2020) with some algebra, the inverse of the MacWilliam transformations is given as follows
From (25), we get
From the orthogonality property of the Krawtchouk polynomials, we get
Combining (26) and (27), we get
Combining Theorem 2 and (28), the proof can be completed. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 7
The proof can be obtained from Corollary 4 by the same technique of the proof of Theorem 3. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 8
From the definition of the Krawtchouk polynomials, we get
The proof can be obtained from Corollary 5 and (30). \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 9
From Corollary 6 by the same technique of Corollary 8. \(\square\)
Proof of Theorem 4
From the definition of the MAP in (3), we get
Combining Corollary 1 and (31), the proof can be completed. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 10
From Corollary 2 by the same technique of Theorem 4. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 11
From Corollary 3 by the same technique of Theorem 4. \(\square\)
Proof of Theorem 5
From (15) and (16) with some algebra, we can get the following analytical framework for any of the above-mentioned discrepancies (WD and LD) of the design \(\mathbf{Z}^{(t)}\in U\left(2^tn,2^{2^{t}s_1}4^{2^{t-1}s_2}\right)\)
From Lemmas 5 and 6 in Elsawah et al. (2021), for any two nonnegative sequences with \(\sum _{i=1}^{c}A_{i} = a,\,\sum _{i=1}^{c}B_{i} = b\) and \(\tau _i>1,\,i=1,2\) we have
respectively, where \(\phi _1=c\left( \lfloor \frac{a}{c}\rfloor -\frac{a}{c}+1\right) ,\) \(\phi _2=c\left( \lfloor \frac{b}{c}\rfloor -\frac{b}{c}+1\right) ,\) \(z_i = \ln \left( \tau _1^{A_i}\tau _2^{B_i}\right) ,\) \(\omega\) is the largest integer such that \(\vartheta _{(\omega )}\le \frac{a \ln \tau _1+b \ln \tau _2}{c}< \vartheta _{(\omega +1)}\) and \(p=\frac{c}{\vartheta _{(\omega +1)}-\vartheta _{(\omega )}}\left( \vartheta _{(\omega +1)}-\frac{a \ln \tau _1+b \ln \tau _2}{c}\right) .\) From the definitions of \(\xi _{ij}\) and \(\zeta _{ij}\) with some algebra, we get
Combining (32)–(36) with some algebra, the proof can be obtained. \(\square\)
Proof of Theorem 6
From Lemma 4 in Elsawah and Qin (2015), for any nonnegative sequence with \(\sum _{i=1}^{c}V_{i} = v\) and \(\varepsilon >1,\) we have
where \(\varpi =c\left( \lfloor \frac{v}{c}\rfloor -\frac{v}{c}+1\right) .\) From the definitions of \(\xi _{ij}\) with some algebra, we get
Combining Corollary 1, (34), (37) and (38) with some algebra, the proof can be obtained. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 12
The proof can be obtained from Corollary 8 and the fact that for any orthogonal array of strength \(s_1\) \(\mathbf{X}_1\in U(n,2^{s_1})\) we get \(W_\delta (\mathbf{X}_1)=0,\,1\le \delta \le s_1.\) \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 13
From Corollary 9 by the same technique of Corollary 12. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 14
From Theorem 1 by the same way of the proof of Corollary 2. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 15
From (4) and (5) with some algebra, we get the following formulas of the WD and LD of the extended design \(E^{(t-1)}(\mathbf{X}_2)\in U(2^{t-1}n,2^{2^{t-1}s})\)
Combining (15)–(18), (39) and (40) with some algebra, the proof can be completed. \(\square\)
Proof of Corollary 16
The proof is obvious from Corollary 15 by taking \(t=1\) and the fact that any full factorial design in \(U(2^s,2^s)\) has \(\hbox {LD-value}=0.\) \(\square\)
Proof of Theorem 7
From (32) with some algebra, we can get the following analytical framework for any of the above-mentioned discrepancies (WD and LD) of the design \(\mathbf{Z}^{(t)}_{Flex}\in U\left(2^tn+n_1,2^{2^{t}s_1+m_1}4^{2^{t-1}s_2+m_2}\right)\)
The sum term in (41) can be rewritten as follows
From (41) with some algebra, we get
From (41)–(44) with some algebra, the proof can be completed. \(\square\)
Proof of Theorem 8
The proof can be obtained from Theorem 7 by the same technique of the proof of Theorem 5. \(\square\)
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Elsawah, A.M. A novel non-heuristic search technique for constructing uniform designs with a mixture of two- and four-level factors: a simple industrial applicable approach. J. Korean Stat. Soc. 51, 716–757 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42952-021-00159-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42952-021-00159-9
- Threshold accepting algorithm
- Coding scheme
- Gray map
- Design without replicates
- Saturated orthogonal design
- Uniform design
- Aberration
- Moment aberration
- Hamming distance