“Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy” (WDSE) is the first journal in the world combining waste disposal, renewable energy, and environmental protection. It has been launched to promote the research and development of both waste disposal and the use of waste to produce clean energy on a global scale.

WDSE deals with the study of waste disposal and sustainable energy. Since waste-to-energy is the most popular method for waste disposal and both the organic and inorganic pollutants discharged from waste incineration are significant, this journal also focuses on environmental science, pollution research, environmental assessments, energy recovery, combustion optimization, and clean and sustainable energy use. Articles must contribute to improving our understanding of the analytical methods, emission characteristics, formation pathways, or inhibition/abatement technologies of the large variety of pollutants from waste incineration. This journal endeavors to serve as a platform from which researchers, policy makers, and engineers can pick up the latest technologies and discoveries in waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, treatment, and disposal.

WDSE is supported by the Institute for Thermal Power Engineering (ITPE) of Zhejiang University, which has a long history of over 40 years and is among the best and largest higher education bases in the fields of energy and the environment in China. The University includes the national key specialty of Engineering Thermophysics, the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, and the National Engineering Laboratory for Waste Incineration Technology and Equipment. Moreover, the ITPE has established 14 joint research centers with highly ranked international universities, research institutes, and energy enterprises. It has achieved significant progress in the fields of waste-to-energy, clean energy use, and the control of persistent organic pollutants, resulting in a remarkable international influence on waste disposal and pollution control.

We welcome contributions from researchers all over the world and hope readers from both academia and industry find the articles published in WDSE interesting, inspiring, and useful. We ensure a rapid, fair, and transparent process of assessment of submitted manuscripts, in which peer review remains a vital component. Our outstanding publishers, Springer Nature and Zhejiang University Press, will support the rapid online publication of articles and publish accepted articles to make them available to the research community as soon as possible.

The first issue of WDSE covers studies about waste-to-energy and clean utilization of sustainable energy, including hazardous waste incineration, energy utilization from plastic waste, emission of persistent organic pollutants and fast indirect measurement from waste-to-energy, as well as catalytic conversion of CO2 to methane.

We hope WDSE will become a significant platform to gather the community together to address important issues regarding waste disposal and sustainable energy.

We look forward to witnessing the growth and success of WDSE with all its readers, authors, reviewers, and contributors in the near future.