Correction to: Affective Science

The authors of the Affective Science article “On the Automatic Nature of Threat: Physiological and Evaluative Reactions to Survival-Threats Outside Conscious Perception” have noted an error in their online published article. Here is the issue:

In the Method section of Study 2, a sentence currently reads:

“Participants sampled the noise (i.e., the startle probe—a 50-ms binaural burst of 1000 Hz, 100 dB white noise; calibrated daily) and completed 144 trials that each (1) began with a 2000 ms centrally located pre-mask of a mosaic that was (2) replaced by a 2-ms image, that was (3) backward masked by a 3000–5000-ms mosaic (rotated 90° clockwise) and, (4) ended with either a 4000-ms blank screen, or, for trials including a startle-probe, a text-box prompting the perceived loudness (85–115 dB) of the noise.”

The relevant part of the sentence should read:

“(2) replaced by a 21-ms image”.

This erratum is presented to fix these errors.

The original article has been corrected.