Correction to: SN Applied Sciences (2023) 5:292

In this article the following incorrect affiliation details were given for author Jian Li:

  • Jiangsu Guoneng Deep Well Safety Mining Technology Co., Ltd, Xuzhou 221006, China

  • China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China

They should have been given as follows:

  • Xuzhou Coal Mining Group, Xuzhou 221006, China

  • China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China

  • Jiangsu Guoneng Deep Well Safety Mining Technology Co., Ltd, Xuzhou 221006, China

In addition, the affiliation details for author Qinghua Chen were incorrectly given as 'Xuzhou Mining Business Group Co., Ltd, Xuzhou 221006, China', but should have been 'Xuzhou Coal Mining Group, Xuzhou 221006, China'.

The original article has been corrected.