Scholars in the field of regional science in the Asia Pacific regions have been really eager for having such an international journal so long time. Since anyone may submit one’s paper to journals in the West anytime, whatever problems did not exist logically and institutionally so far. However, difference made by this small one step will become that of thousand steps. This is the way of the world.

At any rate, our international journal of regional science has been realized indeed. Having our own scientific communication medium is no longer a mere illusion. Whether such soft infrastructure does exist will produce great discrepancy in the growth of associations in the regions in future.

The foundation of the soft INFRA will depend upon the self-sacrificing exertions of somebody which would not come into being from the idle spectator of usual international regime.

However, we should not feel reassured. The foundation of this soft infra is but a milestone on our road to great expansion. What a most important matter is ought to be creativity and the contents, which is everything: accounts for 99%.

The journal is only a cue where to begin. Contents of the journal themselves are everything. This is an everlasting truth and we should look closely to see the development of the journal while fostering momentum.