In the paper titled “Quantum Measurement, Consciousness and the Soul: A New, Alternative Position” by Werbos, 2018a, he concludes about the problem of quantum measurement: “All of this physics does not tell us much about consciousness or the soul…” and he suggests that the answers may be found in other areas of science, like neuroscience and neural networks for example. Let us begin by extending these areas to cognitive science, systems neuroscience, non-linear system dynamics, mathematics, and classical and quantum physics. I will take a stand that supports the view that some form of quantum theory may facilitate our understanding of consciousness, mind, soul, and spiritual values-based decision-making. The most relevant authors and theories that I will briefly explore are Henry P. Stapp’s Quantum Interactive Dualism (QID) (Stapp, 2009a; Stapp, 2006) and Walter Freeman’s and Robert Kozma’s Cinematic Theory of Cortical Phase Transitions (Kozma & Freeman, 2016), where both theories, in different ways, serve as a foundation for the understanding of how the brain creates knowledge and meaning for intentional action and value-based decision-making. Finally, it is proposed that Stapp’s contribution together with Freeman’s and Kozma’s views in conjunction with the work of Giuseppe Vitiello can be regarded as sound and complementary platforms to build upon the big picture of consciousness, together with a platform of noospheres, similar yet different than the ones described by Teilhard de Chardin (de Chardin, 1966).
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I need to extend my sense of deep gratitude to Bernard Baars, Paul Werbos, and Robert Kozma for the invaluable support and many email correspondences that inspired this document. Equally important it is to mention the sense of proximity to Walter that I experienced during the progress of this work. He will always be with us in memory and spirit. I also need to extend my gratitude to Carey Jackman and Florian Schübeler for their support and great conversations. Finally, I need to mention my gratitude to Stanley Klein for pointing me, very timely, in the direction of the most recent work of Henry Stapp whom, although I have yet to have the privilege to meet in person, I already appreciate and value through his work and the many interviews and talks that I watched to prepare this material. Thank you so much Henry and many blessings for your 90th anniversary and times to come!
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Davis, J.J.J. Indeed, Quantum Measurement May Just Play a Part in Human Brain Dynamics That Together with the Soul May Affect Human Perception and Consciousness Development. Act Nerv Super 62, 6–11 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41470-019-00059-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41470-019-00059-8