The present building retrofits have huge prospects for reducing global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission. Consequently, it is regarded as one of the primary low-cost strategies for achieving sustainable development in the built environment. Although various retrofitting solutions are available, identifying the most cost-effective procedures for each project remain a significant technical obstacle. Different projects have been produced as a result, in various areas of the globe to this challenge; nevertheless, many of the tools serve only a local purpose and are therefore unknown on the international stage, indicating a restricted transfer of knowledge. This review organizes the outcomes into three categories: remodeling evaluation, financial evaluation, and knowledge transfer. The tools focusing on promoting the renovation of buildings differ in the type of user, for example, the owners, politicians, or investors. The tools dealing with financial assessment suggest different methods to evaluate and calculate the cost savings, construction costs, and return forecasts through retrofit interventions. The financial evaluation tools provide various techniques for evaluating and calculating the cost reductions, construction expenses, and return projections associated with retrofit initiatives. Other tools adhere to the policies that aim to register, analyze, and classify existing structures. This analysis provides researchers, construction professionals, and policymakers with a better grasp of the advancements made to properly design building retrofitting techniques, promote energy conservation, and analyze building stock for the formulation of policies. The analysis demonstrates that the various retrofitting tools have had the potential to combine their skills, hence creating different prospects for innovation.
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Dey, S., Veerendra, G.T.N. & Aparna, O. A systematic analysis of retrofitting tools in the residential buildings to improve the energy performances by using the STAAD Pro Software. Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. 8, 221 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-023-01192-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-023-01192-9