It is a common sentiment during the holiday season to reconnect and give thanks. For those that had a chance to visit family or friends during Thanksgiving or the various seasonal celebrations, it was apparent the importance of that act of a shared tradition and fellowship. It is hard to believe that it has been almost two years since the members of our community experience such a gathering that we call a Metalcasting Congress. With the annual event in 2020 scheduled for Cleveland being cancelled and the subsequent 2021 Milwaukee 125th Congress being held as a virtual event, the upcoming combined 126th Metalcasting Congress and CastExpo being held April 23–26, 2022, in Columbus, OH, will be a time for all the above.

A Metalcasting Congress and a CastEXPO can mean different things to different people. For the technical session participants, it’s an opportunity to present their latest research, developments and technical findings. The attendees of these sessions get to hear from the experts, ask questions and perhaps get that kernel of wisdom that will advance their knowledge and understanding on the topic, perhaps leading to insights that can improve the performance of their company. On display on the exposition floor is the latest in equipment, material, software and other advancements that are not seen in such a forum at any other time. If you have questions needing to be answered, there are industry experts readily available. If you are a vendor, the next big order could be just walking up to your booth. The networking opportunities are endless and can’t be duplicated in a virtual format.

This is also a time for reconnection, thanks and acknowledgement. I have found whether it be in the lobby between technical sessions or on the exposition floor that you can quickly become engrossed in a technical discussion or just some past shared experiences. This is what makes our industry unique and great, that willingness to help each other and the commitment to work together in a collaborative nature to advance metalcasting. During the congress, those that have tirelessly given of their time and effort are recognized and acknowledged. The various technical committees who help organize the technical sessions will show their appreciation for these efforts at the Division Awards Luncheon. On a national level this recognition is made with Service Citation and Scientific Merit awards given at the President luncheon. The society’s top honor, the Gold Medal, is presented at the annual banquet. These are some of the ways our colleagues and peers recognize and thank them, showing that these selfless efforts are appreciated and celebrated. If you are planning on joining your colleagues in Columbus, consider attending one of these or other gatherings, perhaps, congratulate the recipients for their achievements.

Support of these activities must continue to be embraced and nurtured. Lastly, I want to again bring attention to the IJMC-FEF Student Research Competition which empowers undergraduate college students to showcase their metalcasting research projects at CastExpo 2022. Winners will earn scholarships and be published in the International Journal of Metalcasting, a valuable step in students' academic and professional careers!

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