Professor A.L. Nagar was a world-renowned econometrician and an international authority on finite sample econometrics with many path-breaking papers on the statistical properties of econometric estimators and test statistics. His contributions to applied econometrics have been also widely recognized. Nagar’s 1959 Econometrica paper on the so-called k-class estimators, together with a later one in 1962 on the double-k-class estimators, provided a very general framework of bias and mean squared error approximations for a large class of estimators and had motivated researchers to study a wide variety of issues such as many and weak instruments for many decades to follow. This paper reviews Nagar’s seminal contributions to analytical finite sample econometrics by providing historical backgrounds, discussing extensions and generalization of Nagar’s approach, and suggesting future directions of this literature.
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This paper is dedicated to Professor A.L.Nagar for this special issue. We thank Essie Maasoumi for his helpful comments.
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Bao, Y., Ullah, A. Analytical Finite Sample Econometrics: From A. L. Nagar to Now. J. Quant. Econ. 19 (Suppl 1), 17–37 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40953-021-00261-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40953-021-00261-z