A rigorous derivation of the incompressible Euler equations with the no-penetration boundary condition from the Boltzmann equation with the diffuse reflection boundary condition has been a challenging open problem. We settle this open question in the affirmative when the initial data of fluid are well-prepared in a real analytic space, in 3D half space. As a key of this advance, we capture the Navier-Stokes equations of
satisfying the no-slip boundary condition, as an intermediary approximation of the Euler equations through a new Hilbert-type expansion of the Boltzmann equation with the diffuse reflection boundary condition. Aiming to justify the approximation we establish a novel quantitative \(L^p\)-\(L^\infty \) estimate of the Boltzmann perturbation around a local Maxwellian of such viscous approximation, along with the commutator estimates and the integrability gain of the hydrodynamic part in various spaces; we also establish direct estimates of the Navier-Stokes equations in higher regularity with the aid of the initial-boundary and boundary layer weights using a recent Green’s function approach. The incompressible Euler limit follows as a byproduct of our framework.
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Part of this work was conducted while the authors were participating in the INdAM worksop “Recent advances in kinetic equations and applications” organized by Francesco Salvarani in Rome. We thank the institute and the organizer for its generous hospitality and support. JJ was supported in part by the NSF Grants DMS-1608494, DMS-2009458, and by the Simons Fellowship (Grant # 616364). CK was supported in part by National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1501031, 1900923, 2047681, and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.
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Appendix A. Sobolev Embedding in 1D
Appendix A. Sobolev Embedding in 1D
Often we have used a standard 1D embedding: For \(T>0\),
A proof is based on an equality:
For \(0< t \le T/2\),
For \( T/2<t \le T\), using
we derive that
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Jang, J., Kim, C. Incompressible Euler Limit from Boltzmann Equation with Diffuse Boundary Condition for Analytic Data. Ann. PDE 7, 22 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40818-021-00108-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40818-021-00108-z