Correction to: Drugs - Real World Outcomes (2023) 10:631–637

In the original publication of the article Fig. 1 was incorrect. The correct Fig. 1 is given below. In addition, a few corrections in the corresponding text is also given below. The original article has been corrected.

Figure 1, which appears as:

figure a

Should appear as:

figure b

Section 3.3 Assessment of Bone Union, first sentence, which reads:

Figure 1 shows the degree of bone union at 6 months after treatment. The percentage of patients with bone union and vertebral height maintained at ≥ 50% compared with that during the initial visit were 84.4%, 66.7%, 78.3%, and 40.0% in the DTPD, 2/WTPD, WTPD, and ROMO groups, respectively, with a lower percentage in the ROMO group compared with those of the other groups.

Should read:

Figure 1 shows the degree of bone union at 6 months after treatment. The percentage of patients with bone union and vertebral height maintained at ≥ 50% compared with that during the initial visit were 84.4%, 78.3%, 66.7% and 40.0% in the DTPD, 2/WTPD, WTPD, and ROMO groups, respectively, with a lower percentage in the ROMO group compared with those of the other groups.

Discussion, paragraph 4, sentence 3, which reads:

At 6 months after vertebral fracture, the number of patients with pseudarthrosis was 0 for both daily and twice-weekly administrations of TPD.

Should read:

At 6 months after vertebral fracture, the number of patients with pseudarthrosis was 0 for daily administrations of TPD.