In this paper, we present a novel approach to measure domestic bilateral trade flows in intermediate and final consumption in the Italian regions. We reconstruct regional trade flows in final consumption by using administrative data from tax returns that limit the issues of survey-based measures. We also investigate the main determinants of domestic regional trade flows in Italy by adopting a spatial gravity modeling framework that allows for the inclusion of multiple spatial dependence effects. Moreover, we provide evidence of the presence of geographical heterogeneity and a specific focus on trade flows in the manufacturing sector. Our findings, which are robust to alternative specifications, suggest that the introduction of different sources of spatial dependence is relevant to understand the occurrence of multiple types of network effects when considering origin, destination, and origin–destination linkages in trade flows. We also document regional differences in the spatial concentration of trade flows in intermediate and final consumption. Finally, we discuss the main implications and future avenues of inquiry of our research.
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The participants of this study did not give written consent for their data to be shared publicly, so due to the sensitive nature of the research supporting data is not available.
In this paper, we consider the two autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, which are counted separately in the NUTS-2 regional classification, as a single region labeled Trentino Alto-Adige, to be consistent with the Italian regional framework.
For the list of Italian NUTS-2 regions, Nace Rev.2 sectors, statistical classification of CPA, and commodity labeling, see the Appendix.
For more details on the economic background of SAR gravity models, see Fischer and Griffith (2008).
Cipollina et al. (2016), for instance, decompose multilateral resistance barriers in three components: bilateral trade barriers; the origin region’s resistance to trade with all other regions; and, the destination region’s resistance to trade with all other regions.
In the Appendix, to save space, we provide further details on the passages included in our methodological approach.
Data are extracted from the MEF VAT database VT-form for the fiscal year 2016 covering more than 4,1 million taxpayers subject to VAT (about 84 percent of total VAT declarations) and about 2,1 billion euro VAT transactions; for more details, see Cirillo et al. (2021).
Note that, \(\otimes \) is the Kronecker product that allows obtaining vectors without having to deal directly with \(n^2 \times n^2\) matrices improving computational efficiency; for a more detailed discussion see LeSage and Thomas-Agnan (2015).
In detail, the parameter \(\theta \) is applied to \(Y'_{IC}\) in commodity terms, by assuming, without loss of generality, that each sector produces its typical commodity; in our data, for instance, the agriculture sector produces 97% of agricultural goods. In the Appendix, to save space, we report results regarding C and \(\theta \).
The vector \(Y'_{IC}\) is rearranged in I matrices of \(n \times n\) dimension (i.e., one for each commodity i) in order to be consistent with national account aggregates. Such matrices are subsequently balanced by using a share approach: intermediate consumption (IC) shares are calculated, for each commodity i, as the ratio between the ‘corrected inter-regional IC flows of region o towards all other regions’ on the ‘total amount of region o’s intermediate consumption for all commodities’. Finally, the shares are applied to the net regionalised aggregate data on intermediate consumption, that is, net to imports linked to intermediate commodities.
Location quotients are obtained as the product between the ratio of regional employment of sector s and national employment of sector s, and the ratio between national total employment and regional total employment for origin o and destination d regions, respectively (Flegg et al. 1995).
Data on regional exports are from the ISTAT-ICE yearbook for the year 2016.
Data on output are from the ISTAT Input-Output table supply table at purchasers’ prices, year 2016.
Data on regional employment are from the ISTAT national accounts regional main aggregates, year 2016.
In our data, zero trade flows among Italian regions for all sectors are of limited importance, counting for about 1% of total observations, and mostly related to trade flows among small regions, with respect to other sources of data like the ISTAT road transport regional matrix. As for the explanatory variables that we build by using location quotients, initially, there can be some negative values due to small regions and particular sectors, which derive from the calculation of each variable. Negative values are corrected given the logarithmic specification in the spatial gravity framework. For more details on the treatment of zero trade flows in applied works, see Anderson and Van Wincoop (2004).
The optimal bandwidth of the GWR has been selected from the optimal minimization of the cross-validation criterion that maximizes the model’s predictive power (Harris et al. 2011). Model diagnostics and the results (p-value) of the spatial non-stationarity tests for each variable (Brunsdon et al. 1998) are reported at the bottom of Table 6.
The usage of alternative spatial econometric models, such as the SEM and the SARAR, does not significantly modify our main findings; results are available upon request.
IRAP database from Department of Finance-MEF.
ISTAT - Input–Output table, 2016, supply table at purchasers’ prices.
ISTAT - National Accounting Matrix, 2014.
ISTAT - Input–Output table, 2016, supply table at purchasers’ prices.
ISTAT - Regional account, 2016.
ISTAT-ICE yearbook "Commercio estero e attivita’ internazionali delle imprese", ed 2017, data 2016. The imports are then split in \(Import_{d,i}^{HH}\) and \(Import_{d,i}^{IC}\) based on the weight of import for household final consumption and import for intermediate consumption, respectively, on the aggregate demand.
National accounts regional main aggregates: Final consumption expenditure of households by expenditure item (Coicop 2 digit) and durability, 2016.
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This paper has been developed at the Department of Finance-Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance under the project-Assistance for the assessment of environmental tax reforms’, funded by the European Commission-DG Reform, in collaboration with The World Bank. We are particularly grateful to the Editor and two anonymous reviewers for suggestions and comments. We also thank Stefano Curto, Marco Manzo, Maria Teresa Monteduro, Gavino Mura, Maria Alessandra Tullio, Hasan Dudu, Louise Wandhal-Jensen and Jan Ignacy Witajewski-Baltvilks, and the participants at different seminars and conferences. We wish to thank Sogei spa for the support. The views expressed in the paper do not reflect those of the institutions of affiliation. The usual disclaimer applies. Disclaimer: The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the European Commission, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, Sogei spa, World Bank Group, its Board of Directors or the governments they represent. The author, Pasquale Giacobbe, was working at Sogei SpA at the time of writing.
1.1 A.1 Dataset description
1.2 A.2 Reconstruction of B2C Flows: Additional Information
We report below the different sub-steps used to reconstruct bilateral trade flows in final consumption from administrative VAT data.
Step 1: Transformation of VT data from fiscal domicile to plant location of seller
In the first step, a bridge matrix derived from IRAP (Regional tax on productive activities) databaseFootnote 20 is applied to VT data \(vt_{od,s}^{domicile}\) for the transformation from location by tax domicile to the location by the production plant. In detail, we use the information about the (net) value of production provided by fiscal domicile and plant location. This operation is conducted by calculating a re-proportioning coefficient \(\xi _{o,s}\) for each origin region o and sector s, which is the ratio between the value of net production per plant \(VNP_{o,s}^{plant}\) and the value of net production per domicile \(VNP_{o,s}^{domicile}\).
Then, this coefficient is multiplied by the taxable transactions \(vt_{od,s}^{domicile}\) obtaining a re-proportioned value of the total amount of taxable transactions \(\sum _d vt_{od,s}^{plant}\) in the region o and each sector s.
Finally, these values are distributed for each pair of regions od according to the weight of the taxable operations in the initial data \(vt_{od,s}^{domicile}\).
Step 2: Converting VT Data From Activity Sector to Commodity
In a second step, an additional bridge matrix \(\Phi \), derived from national accounting data,Footnote 21 is applied to VT data by plant and sector \(VT_{od,s}^{plant}\) to distribute them by commodities i. \(\Phi \) is a bridge matrix with sectors s and commodities i as rows and columns, respectively. Each value \(\Phi _{is}\) of this matrix represents the national output of commodity i produced by sector s, i.e., \(Output_{nat,is}\) with respect to the total output of commodity i:
Hence, we obtain the estimated output of commodities for each region.
Step 3: Cleaning VT Data From Margin Bias
In a third step, once the VT data framework by plant and commodity for each region are obtained, we need to correct for margins’ bias on electricity, trade, and transport. These three sectors represent a subset \(g \in I\), where I is the commodities’ set. The VT data, by construction, attribute to margins’ commodities g some taxable transactions which actually belong to other commodities \(i \ne g\), e.g., the agriculture commodity produced by region o and transported and sold to region d is attributed to the transport commodity instead of agriculture commodity.
To avoid this bias, we have to identify for each region o and commodity g, how much of the value of the taxable transactions (linked to g) should be attributed to margin and how much to the amount of produced goods and services. This operation is conducted by using data on national trade, transport marginsFootnote 22 and national output.Footnote 23 Then, we re-distribute the identified margin values to the commodities object of the effective trade flow.
The margins (labeled as Mar in the formulas) identification is obtained by applying shares \(\sigma _g\) to the VT data on plant and commodity. \(\sigma _g\) defines for each commodity g the amount of output to be considered as margin (e.g., 14%, 84%, and 15% of the electricity, trade, and transport commodities are margins and have to be allocated among all the other commodities as flows). These shares are calculated as follows:
This step leads to the estimation of the margins \(M_ {od,g}\) for the three commodities g, which indicate the amount of sales of electricity, trade, and transport that has to be reallocated between all the other commodities.
At this stage, we need to reallocate these quantities \(M_{od,g}\) across all the other commodities. Therefore, we define \(\eta _{ig}\) which represents the distribution of margin g among all the other commodities i. These values are calculated as follows:
Now we apply these percentages to the margins \(M_{od,g}\), in order to reallocate the margins of commodity g to all the others as follows:
Hence, we correct the VT data by plant and commodities by reallocating the margins:
where \({\hat{VT}}_{od,i}^{plant}\) represents the value of the trade flow of commodity i from region o (by plant) to region d (i.e., source-side).
Step 4: Reshaping the point of view from seller side to buyer side
At this stage, we need to change the point of view by switching from the source side to the destination side (i.e., \({\hat{VT}}_{od,i}^{plant} \rightarrow {\hat{VT}}_{do,i}^{plant}\)).
Finally, to make the estimation of administrative data coherent with the national accounting data, we transform \({\hat{VT}}_{do,i}^{plant}\) in shares \(\tau _{d,i}\). These shares are then applied to aggregated regionalized household expenditure by CPAFootnote 24 net to imports linked to households.Footnote 25
where \(HH_{d,i}\) is the households’ consumption in the destination region d.Footnote 26 We obtain the flows of the household’s final consumption by destination region and commodity \({\hat{VT}}_{do,i}\) which represent the response variable for our analysis, namely, \(Y_{hh}\).
1.3 A.3 Estimation of B2B Flows: Additional Results
We report below additional information regarding the variables used to correct B2C trade flows in order to obtain B2B trade flows, as explained in the main text (Tables 12, 13).
1.4 A.4 Sensitivity Analysis
See Table 14.
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Baldassarre, A., Carullo, D., Di Caro, P. et al. A New Approach to Measure Italian Regional Trade Flows with Administrative Micro Firm-Level Data. Ital Econ J (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40797-023-00234-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40797-023-00234-6