Correction to: Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education

In the paper titled “Remembering Uri - An Unforgettable Teacher, Colleague, and Friend” by Celia Hoyles, Richard Noss, Anna Sfard, Nathalie Sinclair, Orit Zaslavsky, and Michal Yerushaly, the following errors were found.

On page 4, a colon (:) was inserted after "piece" instead of a period (.).

On page 5, "mini-computers" was corrected to "micro-computers", and "with a customized recommendation" was changed to "carrying a customized recommendation".

On page 6, "is what Uri wanted" was corrected to "was what Uri liked best", "have mistaken" was corrected to "mistake", the phrase "and possibly one" was deleted, and "its name" was corrected to "this name".

On page 7, the sentence "Despite this, he managed to remain a person able to retain his optimism against all odds" was rewritten as "Against all odds, he remained optimistic".

On page 8, "bring" was corrected to "It will bring".

On page 14, the final paragraph was separated into a distinct section labeled as a “Coda”, and the author’s name was corrected from "Holyes" to "Hoyles".

We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused due to these errors.

The original article has been corrected.