For an Abelian surface A with a symplectic action by a finite group G, one can define the partition function for G-invariant Hilbert schemes
We prove the reciprocal \(Z_{A,G}^{-1}\) is a modular form of weight \(\frac{1}{2}e(A/G)\) for the congruence subgroup \(\Gamma _{0}(|G|)\) and give explicit expressions in terms of eta products. Refined formulas for the \(\chi _{y}\)-genera of \(\text {Hilb}(A)^{G}\) are also given. For the group generated by the standard involution \(\tau : A \rightarrow A\), our formulas arise from the enumerative geometry of the orbifold Kummer surface \([A/\tau ]\). We prove that a virtual count of curves in the stack is governed by \(\chi _{y}(\text {Hilb}(A)^{\tau })\). Moreover, the coefficients of \(Z_{A, \tau }\) are true (weighted) counts of rational curves, consistent with hyperelliptic counts of Bryan, Oberdieck, Pandharipande, and Yin.
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Note that \(G_{0}\) and \(G'\) are abstractly isomorphic. But we distinguish them because they are different groups acting on different spaces.
Throughout, we must handle \(d=0\) separately. In this case, choose the product Abelian surface \(A=E \times F\), with \(\beta _{0}\) the class of \(E \times \{\text {pt}\}\).
The definition of the BPS invariants by Maulik–Toda applies to Calabi–Yau threefold. But in the case of a local Calabi–Yau surface, the theory reduces to a theory of sheaves on the surface, see Sect. 4.1. Our results are therefore intrinsic to \([A/\tau ]\).
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This was equivalently carried out from a physics perspective in [21] by studying symmetry groups of certain nonlinear sigma models on the underlying real torus \(T^{4}\).
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See Remark 1.7.
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I would like to thank my advisor Jim Bryan for his guidance and many helpful suggestions throughout this project, as well as the anonymous referee for their important feedback.
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Appendix A. Modular forms and eta products
Appendix A. Modular forms and eta products
This appendix will be devoted to giving a brief overview of the modular objects relevant to our results. An excellent reference is Chapters 1 and 2 of [16]. We are interested in modular forms of integral or half-integral weight with multiplier system for the congruence subgroup
for an integer \(N \geqslant 1\). A multiplier system on \(\Gamma _{0}(N)\) is a function \(v : \Gamma _{0}(N) \rightarrow {\mathbb {C}}^{*}\) satisfying some consistency conditions. We will not need the details, so we refer the reader to [13, Sec. 2.6].
Let \({\mathfrak {H}}= \{ z \in {\mathbb {C}}\, | \, {\text {Im}}(z) > 0 \}\) be the upper-half plane in \({\mathbb {C}}\).
Definition A.1
A holomorphic function \(f: {\mathfrak {H}}\rightarrow {\mathbb {C}}\) is called a modular form of weight \(k \in \mathbb {R}\) and multiplier system v on \(\Gamma _{0}(N)\) if f is holomorphic at all cusps \(\mathbb {Q}\cup \{\infty \}\), and if for all \(L \in \Gamma _{0}(N)\), f transforms as
We call f a cusp form if additionally, f vanishes at all cusps.
We employ the change of variables \(q = \exp (2 \pi i \tau )\) and with it, the abuse of notation writing \(f(\tau )\) and f(q) interchangeably. The fundamental building block of a large class of modular forms is the Dedekind eta function (or just eta function)
which is a modular form of weight \(\frac{1}{2}\) and multiplier system \(v_{\eta }\) on \({\text {SL}}_{2}({\mathbb {Z}})\); see [13, Sec. 2.8] where \(v_{\eta }\) is given explicitly.Footnote 9
Definition A.2
An eta product of level \(N \geqslant 1\) is a function \(f : {\mathfrak {H}}\rightarrow {\mathbb {C}}\) of the form
such that \(a_{m} \in {\mathbb {Z}}\) (possibly negative, or zero) for all m|N, and where the product is over positive divisors of N.
From the modular properties of the Dedekind eta function, one can show that an eta product f of level N transforms as a modular form on \(\Gamma _{0}(N)\) of weight
and with multiplier system
When we say “transforms as” we mean that f satisfies (26) for all \(L \in \Gamma _{0}(N)\). An eta product f is automatically holomorphic on \({\mathfrak {H}}\). This is because the form of \(\eta (q)\) indicates that any poles of f must occur at \(q=0\) or \(|q|=1\). All that is left to consider is when an eta product is holomorphic at the cusps. The following proposition gives necessary and sufficient conditions.
Proposition A.3
( [16, Cor. 2.3]). An eta product f of level N is holomorphic at the cusps if and only if the following holds for all positive divisors c of N
Moreover, f vanishes at all cusps if and only if each inequality is strict. An eta product is therefore a modular form of weight k for \(\Gamma _{0}(N)\) if and only if each inequality is satisfied, and it is a cusp form if and only if each is strictly satisfied.
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Pietromonaco, S. G-invariant Hilbert schemes on Abelian surfaces and enumerative geometry of the orbifold Kummer surface. Res Math Sci 9, 1 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40687-021-00298-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40687-021-00298-9