Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are defined as early exposure to maltreatment and household dysfunction. Researchers have demonstrated the link between ACEs and negative psychological, behavioral, interpersonal, and health outcomes. A growing area of interest in the ACE literature concerns the relationship between ACEs, parenting, and child psychopathology due to the intergenerational effect of ACEs. Emotional availability and discipline strategies are two domains of parenting that can increase understanding of the associations between ACEs, parenting, and child psychopathology from an attachment framework because they are both salient during early childhood and directly influence a child’s later behavior. This paper utilized the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines to elucidate the relationships between parental ACEs, parents’ emotional availability and discipline strategies, and children’s psychopathology. PubMed, PSYCINFO, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection were used to access the literature on June 16, 2020, and 26 studies met the inclusion criteria. Results from this review suggested that there is a direct association between ACEs and parental emotional availability and discipline techniques. Depression and dissociation were identified as potential mediators. There was support for the direct association between parental ACEs and children’s internalizing and externalizing difficulties. Maternal anxiety and depressive symptoms, emotional availability, attachment, and children’s maltreatment experiences were found to be possible mediators. Recommendations are proposed to address limitations within the literature to further expand upon the research of ACEs, parenting, and child psychopathology.
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Rowell, T., Neal-Barnett, A. A Systematic Review of the Effect of Parental Adverse Childhood Experiences on Parenting and Child Psychopathology. Journ Child Adol Trauma 15, 167–180 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-021-00400-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-021-00400-x