Several barriers may inhibit the growth of behavior analysis as a more integrated and collaborative field. Two such barriers are siloed environments that reinforce a basic-applied distinction, and a lack of translational research pathways. We describe the perils of silos, and elaborate on potential solutions to increase reciprocal relations among subfields in behavior analysis. We promote a five-tiered system to classify research in behavior analysis, and discuss literature on cultivating effective intra and cross-disciplinary collaborations, including using the framework of metacontingencies to understand collaborations. We also propose quantitative and qualitative measures to examine whether the potential solutions increase intra and interdisciplinary interactions. These measures include bibliometric (e.g., citations across fields), sociometric (e.g., social network analysis), and narrative analysis. We apply some of these measures to publications from 2011–2022 from the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, and argue that behavior analysis overall may benefit from a more collaborative approach.
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All data generated and analyzed during this study are included in this published article in a supplementary information file.
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Elcoro, M., Diller, J.W. & Correa, J.C. Promoting Reciprocal Relations across Subfields of Behavior Analysis via Collaborations. Perspect Behav Sci 46, 431–446 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40614-023-00386-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40614-023-00386-x