1 Correction to: Lexicography ASIALEX (2016) 3:19–37 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40607-016-0025-z

In the original publication, one of the reference texts was incorrectly published as “Tono, Y. 2009. Pocket electronic dictionaries in Japan: user perspectives. In Perspectives in lexicography: Asia and beyond, ed. V. Ooi, A. Pakir, I. Talib, and P. Tan, 105–115. Jerusalem: K Dictionaries”.

The correct reference text should read as “Tono, Y. 2009. Pocket electronic dictionaries in Japan: user perspectives. In Lexicography at a crossroads: dictionaries and encyclopedias today, lexicographical tools today. Bergenholtz, H., et al. eds. 33–67. Berlin & New York: P. Lang”.