
Intelligent tutoring systems have operated through a wide range of different instructional mechanisms —i.e., different theories of how certain adaptive behaviors will lead to improved student learning. To name a few such instructional mechanisms, student models allow to appropriately allocate instructional resources (Koedinger & Corbett, 2006; Doignon & Falmagne, 1999), games engage students through choice and emotional involvement (Andersen et al., 2011; Ventura, Shute, & Kim, 2013), homework systems correct misconceptions quickly through immediate feedback (VanLehn et al., 2005; Razzaq et al., 2009; Pardos, Dailey, & Heffernan, 2011), and natural language processing interfaces promote active construction of knowledge (Graesser et al., 2003). Many systems combine two or more of these mechanisms; for example, the tutorial dialog agent AutoTutor includes both natural language processing and a student model (Graesser et al., 1999). Identifying and studying a broad variety of instructional mechanisms is important, since integrating multiple mechanisms may yield an additive effect on student learning.

In the case of school mathematics, one instructional mechanism that merits study is the underlying curriculum. Because mathematics is a sequential subject—with each new concept building on preceding ones—it is particularly sensitive to poor sequencing of topics or incomplete explanations. Countries that outperform the United States in international comparison studies have curricula that differ radically in content, sequencing, and mode of presentation from curricula used in the United States (Schmidt, Houang, & Cogan, 2002). Even the use of a more effective mathematics curriculum within a country—where curricula differ much less than they do across different countries (Stigler & Hiebert, 2009)—has had an effect size of 0.3 standard deviations on standardized tests (Whitehurst, 2009).

However, transplanting curricula across nations using conventional methods (i.e., translating and distributing printed materials such as textbooks) is a prohibitively difficult task (see, for example, Garelick, 2006). The style and mathematical approach of textbooks is intertwined with topic sequencings, lesson plans, and instructional methods, and for this reason the curriculum should properly be considered not just as the books, but rather—following G. Whitehurst’s (2009) definition—as the sequence of instructional experiences intended to be delivered to students. Accordingly, the curriculum is interconnected with the professional preparation of teachers, the organization of schools, and even cultural aspects of the broader society. These systemic and cultural aspects of curriculum and instruction account for both the vast differences between countries and for the difficulties in international curriculum adoption (Stigler & Hiebert, 2009).

Viewing curriculum in this light, intelligent tutoring systems can be seen as a potential method for overcoming the obstacles to international curriculum adoption. By bringing instructional experiences informed by strong curriculum knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge directly to students, scaffolding teachers’ learning of the new mathematical ideas and methods, and changing the classroom configuration to render existing cultural scripts inapplicable, one can attempt to implement in one country the curriculum methods developed in another.

This is the main goal of Reasoning Mind’s Genie 2 intelligent tutoring system. Because curriculum is so intertwined with instructional methods, the approach requires codifying the behavior of Russian mathematics teachers and then designing a learning environment—including an intelligent tutoring system as well as a set of practices expected of the United States teachers implementing the program—to simulate as closely as possible the combined instructional experiences these Russian teachers’ students would receive.

While Genie 2 is not the first intelligent tutoring system to address curriculum, the topic has not received as much attention from researchers in the field as other questions. The work that has been done has mostly focused on studying specific topics or strategies. Salden et al. (2010) found that adding worked examples to Cognitive Tutors increased efficiency of learning. Rau et al. (2012) found that fluency and conceptual understanding were both beneficial in instruction of fractions with multiple representations, and Rau et al. (in press) extended this by arguing that conceptual instruction supported fluency training when it preceded it, while the opposite did not hold true. Adams et al. (2012) found that the use of erroneous examples in learning decimals in 6th grade improved performance on a delayed posttest. Rittle-Johnson & Koedinger (2009) found that alternating between lessons on concepts and procedures led to better learning of certain arithmetic operations than an approach where concepts were studied first, and procedures afterwards.

In contrast to these approaches, which use intelligent tutoring systems to study specific curriculum strategies, Genie 2 is an intelligent tutoring system that represents and delivers an existing curriculum in its entirety—i.e., as a system of interconnected pedagogical practices. In particular, Genie 2 illustrates how a curriculum tradition from one country (in this case, Russia) can be brought to students and teachers in another country. This is of practical significance, as Russian mathematics education is known to be particularly strong (as discussed in more detail below in “Russian Mathematics Instruction”).

Another approach to mathematics curriculum in the context of intelligent tutoring systems can be found in work done by Koedinger, Corbett, and colleagues at the Cognitive Tutor research group (Corbett, McLaughlin, & Scarpinatto, 2000). On finding that school implementations of Cognitive Tutors were complicated by the difficulties of integrating with existing (paper and pencil) school curricula, the group developed core curriculum textbooks designed to work well alongside the Cognitive Tutor system. This approach shares with Genie 2 an integrative approach to curriculum, but differs in locating the introduction of new concepts primarily in the paper and pencil component of the program, whereas in Genie 2 the intelligent tutoring system is the primary vehicle for the introduction and discussion of new material.

The main theoretical contribution of the work presented here is to demonstrate that an appropriately designed intelligent tutoring system can be successfully used to implement aspects of the mathematics education tradition of one country in another, and to propose (in “General Principles for Cross-Cultural Curriculum Transfer using Intelligent Tutoring Systems”) a collection of design principles collectively representing a methodology for developing intelligent tutoring systems for such cross-cultural transfer. The main practical contribution of the work is to present a concrete such system capable of reflecting multiple aspects of Russian mathematics education, which (as discussed in “Russian Mathematics Instruction” below) is a particularly successful mathematical tradition. This system is notable in using detailed scripts (see “Instructional Content”) to capture and recreate the content-specific strategies used by Russian mathematics teachers; this is one approach to meeting the challenge posed by Du Boulay and Luckin (2001) of developing intelligent tutoring systems that better capture the wide repertoire of teaching actions exhibited by expert teachers.

We begin with the “Methods” section, which sets the stage by describing the approach taken to designing and iteratively improving the intelligent tutoring system. Next, in “Russian Mathematics Instruction,” we introduce the main instructional principles that the system is meant to implement. The following three sections, “System Use and Behavior,” “Architecture and Knowledge Representation Structures,” and “Instructional Content,” describe the specific ways in which the system reflects those instructional principles. “Implementing Genie 2 in Schools” describes the use of the resulting system in the field, and “Outcomes” gives an overview of previously reported findings on the system’s effects and also presents new findings from a large-scale user survey. Next, “General Principles for Cross-Cultural Curriculum Transfer using Intelligent Tutoring Systems” outlines the general lessons learned from this work. In “Discussion” we consider the possible causes of the system’s positive effects on student outcomes, characterize the system as a whole incorporating both software and human components, and outline possible future directions. In the “Conclusion” section, we summarize the main contributions of this work. There is one appendix providing background on the history of the Russian mathematics education tradition, one giving some examples of scripts used to capture the Russian teachers’ practices, and one providing more detailed data from the user survey.


The approach taken in the present work was to compose a panel of several (approximately half a dozen) expert Russian mathematics teachers and to interview them individually and collectively in order to create a model of their approach. The members of this panel worked in a variety of schools, most (but not all) of them in Moscow. They were chosen through a combination of recommendations from Russian authorities on mathematics education and interviews, and included teachers from several of Russia’s best-regarded mathematics schools (such as Moscow School #56 and Moscow School #2) as well as faculty members of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Moscow Region State University. The members of this panel not only took part in interviews and discussions about Russian mathematics education and their own practices, but also participated in the making of software design decisions and wrote content for the resulting intelligent tutoring system.

The work was conducted as design research, with iterative cycles of development, piloting, and analysis (Collins, 1992). The system as discussed here went through eight such cycles, with the piloting phase of each one lasting a full academic year; the participating schools were all located in the United States, and varied in number from three (in the first year) to over three hundred (in the eighth year). As is typical for design research (Brown, 1992), the project sought both theoretical and practical outcomes: theoretically, to understand whether and how an intelligent tutoring system could be used for cross-cultural transfer of curriculum, and practically, to develop such a system implementing the Russian mathematics curriculum in United States schools. The primary sources of information used were:

  1. (i)

    Interviews with and feedback from Russian teachers

  2. (ii)

    Feedback from United States teachers using the program

  3. (iii)

    Qualitative observations of classrooms using the program

  4. (iv)

    Quantitative data, including from system logs

This information was used iteratively, learning from each successive version of the system, modifying it, and then gathering information on the modified version. For example, Russian teachers typically begin each day with a warm-up activity, frequently a timed session over mental math. Early versions of the Genie 2 intelligent tutoring system modeled this by giving students a sequence of problems at the beginning of every day. After seeing the resulting system and visiting classrooms to observe students, the Russian teachers pointed out that this differed from their warm-up activities in several significant ways: the items weren’t timed, the activity didn’t feel to students like something distinct from the main flow of the lesson, and the feedback students received—detailed, step-by-step solutions—was too extensive. Accordingly, a new type of element—called “speed games”—was introduced and used in the warm-up activities; these were simple games that presented a sequence of mental math (or other fluency practice) items in an appealing visual form.

Feedback from United States teachers using the program was the most significant source of changes. Because of the large number of in-person site visits (see “Implementing Genie 2 in Schools”) by Reasoning Mind staff, strong relationships were built with teachers using the program. These teachers would provide constant feedback to support staff, who in turn would relay it to the development team. The most valuable teacher feedback was frequently provided not through written attitude surveys, but rather in person to support staff. Hundreds of changes were made based on teacher feedback; examples include the addition of a Spanish language glossary,Footnote 1 addition of sound (narration) to the materials, and the creation of new reports.

As the development team grew, the development process was increasingly aligned with user-centered design principles. In particular, significant changes to the student interface—such as the narration function mentioned earlier—were iteratively prototyped and usability tested before being implemented in the system. In the case of teacher interface functions, however, implementation and actual use—followed by cycles of classroom observations and iterative improvement—remained the most practical method.

Russian Mathematics Instruction

There is evidence that Russian students do well in mathematics, with Russian 4th grade students ranking 10th and Russian 8th grade students ranking 6th on the most recent (2011) Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (Provasnik et al., 2012). In the International Mathematical Olympiad, the most important high school mathematical problem solving contest, Russia’s team has been one of the top five every year since 1999, with an overall record exceeded only by that of China (International Mathematical Olympiad, 2013). And in research mathematics, Russian mathematicians are heavily overrepresented: of the twenty-two mathematicians to have won the Fields medalFootnote 2 since 1990, seven—more than from any other country—have been of Russian origin. Teachers in Russia are also exceptionally strong, as Russian middle school mathematics teachers were found to have content knowledge second only to that of Taiwanese teachers (Tatto et al., 2009). Readers interested in a more detailed discussion of the history and international reception of Russian mathematics education can find this in the appendix, “Appendix 1: History and International Reception of Russian Mathematics Education.”

In the present work, interviews with the panel of expert Russian mathematics teachers demonstrated that there were numerous methods and approaches that they had in common, despite coming from different cities, having studied in different universities, and teaching in different schools. Furthermore, just as the methods used by the individual teachers were quite similar, the teachers confirmed that so were the approaches taken by virtually all of the mainstream mathematics textbooks available in Russia. For these reasons, it is impossible to draw a neat line between the various concrete Russian “curricula” represented by the mainstream textbooks, and instead one can speak of a single “Russian mathematics education tradition,” or even a general “Russian mathematics curriculum”—and indeed the teachers in the panel spoke in exactly such terms. We will follow their usage throughout this article, taking “Russian mathematics curriculum” to mean these general practices and knowledge shared by Russian teachers and transcending the particulars of any one textbook.

Next, we will discuss several of the most salient aspects of this tradition that emerged from the panel interviews, contrasting them with prevailing practices in the United States.

Guided Instruction

The instruction provided by Russian teachers (especially when working with struggling or average students) is guided: students are carefully led through the material, rather than being encouraged to explore and arrive at their own conclusions.Footnote 3 While Russian teachers do occasionally use techniques akin to discovery learning (in which children arrive at general conclusions through their own independent deductions), this is done sparingly, especially in the case of low-prior-knowledge students. This stands in distinction to practice in the United States, where pure discovery learning remains popular with many teachers and teacher educators (Mayer, 2004).


In the course of work on a topic, teachers usually present material to students, then work examples on the board, then invite students to solve problems in a guided setting, and finally have students solve problems independently. This can be compared to “fading,” a practice for instruction through worked examples (Renkl, 2011). Actually, worked examples play a central role in Russian mathematics education: teachers ask students daily to solve problems on the board in front of the class, and also require students to take notes with detailed problem solutions, subsequently to be studied while doing homework or in class. One of the findings of the present project was that this was less characteristic of classrooms in the United States: most teachers involved in the project did not have existing approaches to note-taking and the study of worked examples, instead having relied primarily on whole-class discussion of examples and subsequent use of worksheets. As such, while worked examples played a role in these teachers’ practice, it was a less central one than in the practice of Russian teachers.

Motivating New Constructs

New mathematical definitions and principles are motivated before being formally introduced. For example, before defining “factors,” a word problem could be given: “Among how many children can we divide 18 apples evenly?” Once the problem is solved, it becomes clear that the list of numbers (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18) is a mathematically meaningful one, and therefore deserves a name; it’s at that point that the term “factors” is introduced and formally defined.

Analogously, general rules are introduced with motivation, too. For example, the teacher might motivate the fundamental property of fractions (that the numerator and denominator can be multiplied or divided by the same number without changing the fraction’s value) by drawing an illustration showing that 1/3 and 2/6 are identical (e.g. using a unit segment subdivided into thirds and sixths), and then pointing out that we have merely increased the numerator and denominator by a factor of 2. This leads to the general statement of the property. As students mature, this kind of “proof by example” is replaced by actual mathematical proof. The transition happens mostly in grades 7–9, though elements of it appear earlier.

The goal of this method is for students to understand—or at least have an intuition for—the reasons for the mathematical notions and facts they encounter in the course. This forms an interesting counterpoint to the guided instruction approach taken by the Russian teachers: on one hand, students are explicitly led by the teacher through the material, but on the other hand, the teacher takes care to make sure that students do so with awareness of whence they are coming and where they are heading.

In United States classrooms, it is less common for teachers to motivate new constructs. For example, Stigler and Hiebert (2009) report that concepts in German and Japanese mathematics classrooms are far more frequently “developed” than in United States classrooms, where they are more likely to be introduced without such development (i.e. motivation).

Organizing Knowledge Around Mathematically Meaningful Structures

Compared to teachers in top-performing countries, teachers in the United States often have weaker mathematics content knowledge (Ma, 1999; Tatto et al., 2009). This can lead to the organization of material around surface-structure patterns instead of around entities aligned with the deep structure of the subject. As an illustration of this, one school district the authors were familiar with went so far as to sequence 6th grade topics by operation: addition of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions, then subtraction of the three, then multiplication, and finally division. By contrast, Russian curricula are organized in a way that corresponds to the structures that experts in the subject (including mathematicians) generally consider mathematically important. For example, each number system (whole numbers, rational numbers, real numbers) is studied as a whole, and the operations are grouped with addition and subtraction (which are inverse operations) together, and multiplication and division likewise (Milgram, 2005).

One significant example of this is the Russian treatment of common fractions and decimals. Rational numbers are known to be a difficult topic for students to learn (Behr & Post, 1992; Fuchs et al., 2013; National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008). In the course of interacting with United States teachers, it became apparent that many elementary school teachers introduced fractions and decimals independently, treating decimals as an extension of whole numbers. Indeed, from the standpoint of surface structure, this makes perfect sense: because operations with decimals are procedurally similar to those with whole numbers, a surface-structure grouping would place these two objects in one category, with common fractions in another. The problem with this approach is that it conceals the deeper mathematical structure: mathematically, (terminating) decimals are just a notation for a special case of common fractions—those whose denominators are a power of 10. By presenting and treating decimals as a special case of fractions—rather than an extension of natural numbers “to the right”—throughout the course, one can aim to develop in students an understanding of the rational number system as a single, unified whole. Early Russian curricula—such as the arithmetic textbook of A. P. Kiselev (see “Appendix 1: History and International Reception of Russian Mathematics Education”)—present fractions before decimals. However, there is a problem with this approach: operations with fractions are more difficult for students to master than those with decimals, and therefore studying fractions completely before studying decimals is less efficient. More recent curricula—for example, that of Vilenkin (Zhokhov, 2007)—introduce common fractions first, study the four operations with like fractions (and those that can be easily brought to a common denominator), then proceed to a complete study of decimals, and finally study common fractions (including the operations on general unlike fractions) in a complete fashion. This planning approach allows the curricula to present numbers as elements of number systems, while still sequencing things in a developmentally appropriate way.

Explicit Rules and Definitions

Beginning in the 5th grade, Russian curricula organize the core declarative (or, as the Russian teachers call it, “theoretical”) knowledge of courses through explicit rules and definitions. This role of “rules” and “definitions” is analogous to the role of “theorems” (“lemmas,” “corollaries,” etc.) and “definitions,” respectively, in higher mathematics. For example, students learn to state the rule for adding like fractions: “To add like fractions, add the numerators and keep the denominator the same.” Being able to state these rules and definitions is seen as a pedagogical goal in itself: if a student can add fractions but cannot correctly state the rule, then the teacher will work with the student to teach him or her to do this. The rules and definitions are then used throughout the course; for example, if a student is unsure of whether something is or is not a ray, mixed number, greatest common factor, or other such mathematical object, then the teacher will refer the student to the corresponding definition and demonstrate how it can be used to make the determination. Likewise, if a student is unsure of how to follow a certain procedure, then the teacher will show how to read this procedure from the corresponding rule. Russian teachers see the development of this skill—the ability to apply rules and definitions in specific cases—as an important independent goal of mathematics education.

In United States curricula and classrooms, by contrast, there is no such analogous role of rules or definitions. While terms are defined and procedures described, less attention is often given to the precision of the wording (Givental, n.d.; Milgram, 2005; Wu, 2011). This is corroborated by findings from the present project, in which it was seen that teachers were not familiar with the use of such a “theoretical backbone” of a mathematics course.

Mathematical Precision

Statements made in a mathematics course—and especially rules and definitions—are formulated in a mathematically precise way. (Mathematicians call this “mathematical rigor.”) For example, saying that “a factor of a number n is a number that divides n evenly” is not precise, since this would lead us to conclude that 1.5 is a factor of 3. Because this definition is meant to apply only to natural numbers (meaning positive integers), and because only natural numbers can qualify as factors, the definition can be fixed by saying, “A factor of a natural number n is a natural number that divides n evenly.”

Russian teachers and curriculum authors take substantial care to ensure that all of their statements are precise and use correct terminology. The teachers also correct students when they make mathematically imprecise statements.

Explanatory Feedback

While some activities only provide corrective feedback (most notably, exercises meant to develop automaticity over already acquired skills), the vast majority of feedback given by Russian teachers is explanatory (cf. Hattie & Gan, 2011). In particular, explanations refer back to underlying definitions and rules whenever possible. For example, when asked to give the smallest multiple of 9, some (grade 6) students will answer that it is 18. In this case, a Russian teacher might correct this by asking, “What’s the definition of a multiple?” The student (or another student in the class, if this one doesn’t remember it) would answer, “A multiple of a natural number n is a natural number that can be divided evenly by n.” Then, the teacher would ask, “Is 18 the smallest number that can be divided evenly by 9?” The student would be expected to then realize that the correct answer to the original question is 9, not 18.

Automaticity Through Spaced Practice

Russian teachers view concepts and skills as mutually reinforcing. In fact, the word they use which is closest to the English term “knowledge component” is “ZUN,” which is an acronym for “znaniye, umeniye, navyk,” translating roughly as “knowledge, skill, automatic skill.” In the Russian teachers’ way of thinking, each knowledge component contains some combination of these three things; in knowledge components that include an “automatic skill” part, acquiring automaticity is seen as essential to mastery of the ZUN.

The main vehicle for automaticity is spaced practice. Specifically, the first several minutes of each class are usually spent doing timed mental math or calculation problems over already studied topics. This serves a dual purpose: practicing skills, and warming students up for the new material to be presented that day.

This view—namely, that the development of automatic skills reinforces the formation of new concepts—is in line with findings in cognitive psychology. For example, in cognitive load theory, the automation of prerequisite skills frees working memory for the construction of new concepts (Kalyuga, 2010). However, it is far from universal in United States schooling, where there has been a debate between a “skills” camp and a “concepts” camp (Wu, 1999).

Breaking Concepts into Constituent Components

Sometimes, a certain concept is difficult to learn, but can be broken up into components that can be studied separately and then “reassembled.” Russian curricula frequently resort to this strategy.

Perhaps the most salient example in the early grades is the approach to solving equations. To solve equations, students must—among other things—(i) be familiar with unknowns, and as comfortable operating with them as with numbers, (ii) be fluent in applying the properties of the operations to transform expressions, and (iii) understand the equals sign as a relational symbol.Footnote 4 Russian curricula resolve issue (i) by introducing unknowns as early as 2nd grade, asking students to solve simple equations and to evaluate algebraic expressions at various values of the unknowns. As for issue (iii), this is addressed both through the constant recurrence of equalities with operations on both sides (such as 1 + 2 = 2 + 1) and through the teaching of explicit definitions of the equals sign as a relational symbol: “An equality is a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.” But the most interesting approach is the one to issue (ii). Here, the difficulty is that it is hard to justify manipulating expressions without any unknowns; Russian programs (such as Vilenkin) get around this by giving “convenient calculation” problems: students evaluate expressions like 98 + 57 + 2 or 13 × 57 + 87 × 57, and justify their answers by naming the properties they have used.

In the language of cognitive load theory, Russian curricula manage intrinsic cognitive load through pre-teaching (cf. Mayer & Moreno, 2010).

Placing the Concrete Experience of Expert Practitioners Above the Application of Any General Principles

This last principle of Russian mathematics teachers is perhaps the most important, and serves as a kind of “anti-principle.” The Russian mathematics teachers interviewed all believed that mathematics teaching was an experimental craft, and that lesson planning and the selection of approaches to explaining certain concepts were very sensitive to the particulars of the topic, curriculum, and individual students making up the class. Therefore, while they relied on certain principles (including the ones listed above) for general guidance, the overriding principle was to make pedagogical decisions based on the accumulated experience of the community of Russian mathematics teachers, which experience is seen by Russian teachers as almost entirely content-specific.

This is in contrast to approaches taken in the United States, where content-specific knowledge is less universally valued (Ma, 1999; Shulman, 1987; Hill, Rowan, & Ball 2005). Furthermore, the public and political dialog surrounding mathematics instruction in the United States has frequently centered around debates between competing camps of “isms,” as described long ago by Dewey (1938) and evidenced more recently by the so-called “math wars” (Ravitch, 2001; Schoenfeld, 2004).

System Use and Behavior

Genie 2 is intended for students in grades 2–6. It is used in classrooms, with each student sitting at their own computer and the teacher walking around the room to monitor the class and work with individual students or small groups (Fig. 1). Students work online at their own pace, so on a given day different students study different topics. Nevertheless, students sometimes discuss their assignments with one another. Ocumpaugh et al. (2013) found that on average, students using Genie 2 spent 7 % of their time in on-task conversations.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A class using Genie 2

The student home screen (Fig. 2) is a map with a collection of buildings, each representing a different mode. Mode availability is determined by the system, and teachers can further restrict access to certain modes. Students then select among the remaining modes.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The Genie 2 student home screen

The most significant modes are:

  • Guided Study. This is the main learning mode. Here, students study their assigned course, which consists of a sequence of “objectives.” The content within each objective includes explanatory (called “Theory”) material, basic problems (called “level A” problems), and—for students who do well on the basic level—more advanced problems (at difficulty levels B and C). Students spend the overriding majority of their time in this mode.

  • Homework. The system selects homework problems based on the student’s place in the curriculum and performance on prior topics; these problems are printed out by the teacher and done on paper at home by the student, who can enter them into the system the next day for automatic grading and feedback.

  • Online Tutoring. This mode allows students to receive online tutorials from human tutors. (In practice, this mode has been used only by a small—albeit increasing—fraction of students studying in Genie 2, since few schools are willing to pay for online tutoring.)

  • MathRace. This is a two-player game in which students race to answer arithmetic questions.

  • Office. Here, teachers can assign individual topics from Guided Study, standardized test practice problems, or entire practice tests.

  • Review Mode. In this mode, students are given a sequence of problems from all of the objectives they have already covered in Guided Study. The problems are chosen to emphasize topics on which students have struggled. If students do well in the mode, the difficulty level of problems increases; there are six different levels, each of which has a different mix of problem difficulty, from 100 % level A (level 1) to 100 % level C (level 6). When students are in Review Mode, their current level in the mode is displayed at the top of the screen.

  • Wall of Mastery. This mode (Fig. 3) was added as a systematic way for students to learn to solve level B and C problems on each objective presented in Guided Study. Once an objective is covered in Guided Study, the level A cell in the corresponding row in the Wall of Mastery becomes enabled. If the student selects a cell, a sequence of problems from the corresponding difficulty level and objective are given; if the student completes the problems with high accuracy, the cell is marked completed and the cell of the next difficulty level is enabled.Footnote 5

    Fig. 3
    figure 3

    The Wall of Mastery mode

In Guided Study, students normally progress linearly through the sequence of objectives. However, it is possible (and in practice frequent) for a student to be diagnosed to be lacking in prior knowledge and sent back to earlier objectives.

Each Guided Study objective contains a number of modules, including Warm-up (simple practice problems or games, usually involving mental math), Theory (explanatory material), and Level A Problems. Each objective also has its own Level B Problems and Level C Problems modules, a Review module (which includes several problems over previous objectives), and a Notes Test module to verify that students took good (pencil and paper) notes during the Theory. Poor performance on certain modules can lead to being sent back to previous modules of the objective. The Level B Problems and Level C Problems modules are enabled if students are on schedule in Guided Study and perform well in the Level A Problems module. To let students chart their progress, a map (Fig. 4.) is displayed to students between modules in Guided Study. This map includes a site for each module along with pathways showing when students can be returned to prior points.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The topography of an “objective”

Teachers using the system frequently requested sound support for weaker readers, and this function was subsequently introduced into the system: now, students can click a speaker button to hear the most recently appeared phrase read out. Natural voices are used for Theory material, and synthetic ones for problems.

Genie 2 has a number of game-like elements. In addition to points (earned for correctly solving problems), the system includes a “streak” (tracking the number of problems solved correctly in a row) and a virtual prizes system allowing students to redeem their points for e-books, animations, and decorations for a virtual room (called “My Place”). These game-like features are analogous to several of the features of iSTART-ME, the “motivationally enhanced” version of iSTART, an intelligent tutoring system for reading (Jackson, Boonthum, & McNamara, 2009).

Another game-like element of Genie 2 is the Genie (Fig. 5), an agent who congratulates students on correct problem answers and encourages them throughout their work in the system. The Genie’s personality is built in throughout the system: students can visit the Genie’s house, buy Genie-themed virtual prizes, and send emails to the Genie; a team of part-time writers compose responses to these emails. Pedagogical agents in other online systems—such as Design-a-Plant—have been shown to increase both learning and enjoyment for students using these systems (Lester et al., 1997).

Fig. 5
figure 5

The Genie: pedagogical agent, Genie 2 namesake

In addition to a student interface, Genie 2 has an interface for classroom teachers. This interface has several reports, including an Objective Spreadsheet Report that displays a grid with students as rows, objectives as columns, and problem accuracy (or other useful measures) in the cells, an Activity Logs report that allows teachers to view problems incorrectly solved by a student and generate similar problems for interventions, a dashboard with summary data on each student and the ability to assign work and adjust settings, and a Notifications Report that gives a live feed of information on students’ successes and failures in the system.

Architecture and Knowledge Representation Structures

The behavior of Genie 2 was determined by interviewing the panel of expert Russian teachers to understand their practices, designing corresponding system algorithms, and then refining these algorithms through collaborative discussions with the teacher panel. The most important algorithm for the system’s behavior is called the decision system. The decision system operates in concert with a student model, which holds a wide range of information about the student’s knowledge and other instructionally relevant attributes. The decision system regulates access to different learning modes, updates the student model, and selects content to be delivered to the student (Fig. 6.). The use of a separate student model and pedagogical model (in this case, the decision system) is analogous to approaches taken in some tutorial systems; for example, Ms. Lindquist is a tutorial system that combines a student model with tutorial planning behavior developed based on observations of an expert tutor (Heffernan & Koedinger, 2002). As another example, in the domain of cardiovascular physiology, the intelligent tutor CIRCSIM was designed based on typed transcripts of actual tutoring sessions and explicitly intended to simulate expert tutors (Evens et al., 1997).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Main components of the Genie 2 architecture

Instructional content includes specific problems, explanatory animations, and instructional games, as well as the modules assembling these atomic objects into the clusters in which they can be assigned. By contrast, the instructional data structures (which include things like calendars and course sequencings) serve to arrange information about the course and individual students in a meaningful fashion.

Information in Genie 2’s instructional data structures, student model, and instructional content is organized through object-attribute-value triplets. The primary instructional data structures are the “objectives” introduced in the preceding section. Objectives serve a dual purpose: they are both knowledge components (each of which is relatively large, such as addition & subtraction of like fractions, or the perimeter of a rectangle) and units of study, in that content modules are organized by objective. Objectives are equipped with prerequisites, thus forming a directed cycle-free graph. This is analogous to the data structures used in knowledge spaces (Doignon & Falmagne, 1999).

In systems built on knowledge spaces, the prerequisite relations are used both for diagnostics, and to allow learners to take different paths through the material. In Genie 2, by contrast, only the former holds: while students can be sent back by the decision system to previous objectives, the regular course of study happens according to a preset sequencing, which is a linear ordering of objectives respecting the prerequisite relation. This design decision was made to better model the instructional strategies of Russian mathematics teachers: the teachers aim to build multiple connections between mathematical topics, even when these topics aren’t tied through the prerequisite relation. For example, in studying the addition and subtraction of decimals, Russian curricula will incorporate problems on finding the perimeter of a rectangle with decimal sides; this means that, even though the perimeter of a rectangle is not a mathematical prerequisite for the addition of decimals (and in particular it would be incorrect to suspect a child of not knowing perimeter based on a failure to master decimal addition), it is nevertheless necessary to ensure that students have studied perimeter before they are taught this topic. Organizing objectives into a sequencing is one way to resolve this problem. This need for a sequencing object illustrates how differences in instructional approaches can have implications for even the most basic data structures.

Another important instructional data structure is the calendar. This object gives the ability to store the schedule of planned online sessions.

These instructional structures—objectives, sequencings, and calendars—are then specialized to corresponding objects in the student model. Thus, each student is assigned a specific calendar and sequencing, allowing student knowledge to be tracked and stored by objective; in addition to an overall status (“not yet met,” “in progress,” “met,” or “diagnosed”), each objective has a numerical knowledge level indicating the degree of proficiency. The calendar and the statuses of objectives together can be used to calculate how far behind or ahead of schedule a student is, since each objective has an attribute giving the expected number of hours required to study it.

In addition to these conceptually meaningful objects (coming from the instructional data structures), the student model module contains all of the raw data generated by students in the course of their study in the system: problems given, answers provided, time spent online, and so on. While the conceptual objects in the student model are more frequently relevant to instructional decisions, the raw data is also sometimes of value: for example, in giving a student a problem, it can be useful to select a version of the problem (i.e., a “dataset”) which the student has not previously seen.

Much of the content-general logic of Genie 2 is contained in the decision system, which has the goal of capturing the reasoning process used by the Russian teachers. The decision system:

  1. (i)

    Determines which instructional modes should be available to the student at each point in time.

  2. (ii)

    Analyzes raw student data and makes corresponding changes to the student model (including updating the status of objectives).

  3. (iii)

    In each learning mode, analyzes the student model and selects corresponding instructional materials.

The logic of the decision system was developed based on interviews with Russian teachers. While the initial plan was to implement all of the logic through explicit rules, it became clear in the course of interviewing the teachers that some of their reasoning was more procedural in nature, and as such lent itself better to implementation through conventional (procedural) algorithms.Footnote 6 As a result, the decision system was built to contain both a procedural component and a collection of explicit production rules.

The production rules were written in pseudocode; a compiler was developed to interpret the rules, producing a java program that was then included in the system build and executed.Footnote 7 As an example, one rule in the pseudocode looks like this:

IF (student_position) is {on_schedule, ahead_of_schedule}

AND (student_level is {at_grade_level, above_grade_level})

THEN how_many_problems_can_be_assigned_to_student = many;

ELSE how_many_problems_can_be_assigned_to_student = normal;

The rules are grouped into rule sets, with each set corresponding to a particular subtask. The decision system works in a data-driven fashion: i.e., at each step in a student’s work in Genie 2, either a specific rule set or the entire collection of rule sets is executed afresh, reviewing the student model and taking action based upon it. This aspect of the architecture is particularly important because Genie 2 contains a number of different learning modes, and a data-driven approach allows students to move at any point in time from one mode to another and resume their work there.

The two major methods for reasoning with production rules are forward chaining and backward chaining. In the former, one reasons from data to conclusions, and in the latter, from goals to data (starting with desired consequents and then checking if there is data to support them). The development team initially hypothesized that backward chaining would be a more natural method of reasoning for modeling the teachers, since teachers were expected to reason from pedagogical goals; surprisingly, the panel interviews showed that the teachers predominantly reasoned from student performance to the student model, and thence to instructional actions. (For example, a teacher might draw certain conclusions about a student’s knowledge based on his or her performance, and then use this knowledge to adjust previously planned subsequent learning tasks to better suit the student’s needs.) Accordingly, the rule engine was implemented with forward chaining.

This decision illustrates how specific aspects of a certain pedagogical tradition can have implications for the architecture of intelligent tutoring systems designed to model them. In this case, the approach to pedagogical reasoning taken by Russian teachers influenced not only the specific rules needed, but also the underlying inference model. For example, it was found in the course of working with teachers implementing Genie 2 that many mathematics teachers in the United States view instruction through the prism of state standards (cf. Hamilton et al., 2007), and teach these standards in a certain (sometimes mathematically arbitrary) order, spending more time on—and returning multiple times to—those which students master at a lower level. For example, the most common request received from participating teachers was to “allow reordering of the objectives to match the district sequencing,” since this would allow teachers to use the district-administered “benchmark” (high-stakes test simulation) tests to identify standards requiring additional attention. This is in contrast to the Russian approach, which seeks to tell a single, cohesive mathematical story over the course of the year, with each topic building on preceding ones. It is possible that this emphasis on curriculum coherence constrains Russian teachers’ inference patterns to forward chaining. This hypothesis—that teachers working in different curriculum traditions rely on different inference patterns to varying extents—has not, to the authors’ knowledge, been researched yet, and would be interesting to investigate.

The use of explicit production rules to model teacher reasoning is not new: the approach dates back to at least the 1980s (Clancey, 1987), though it subsequently became less popular. Significant contemporary intelligent tutoring systems using explicit rules include AutoTutor, a tutorial dialog agent that uses a collection of production rules to respond adaptively to student input (Graesser et al., 1999).

The most salient component of the procedural part of the decision system algorithm is the workflow inside each objective (Fig. 7). This algorithm reflects many aspects of Russian teachers’ practice: beginning each session with a warm-up activity, fading (in this case, beginning with Theory and then moving to Problem modules only once this has been successfully passed), ensuring that students take written notes, and reserving more difficult problems over a given topic for those students who have successfully learned to solve simpler ones.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The main flow inside an objective in Guided Study

Instructional Content

The Genie 2 system has core 5th and 6th grade curricula, each of which takes about 120 h for students to complete. In addition, there are smaller curricula for grades 2–4, designed to take 70 h each to complete; these curricula are usually used as ancillary programs, but sometimes—when supplemented with paper materials—as the core.

Once the sequence of objectives for a course (to be delivered in Guided Study) has been mapped out by the team of expert Russian teachers, each segment of related objectives is assigned to a teacher. For each objective, the teacher writes a detailed script describing how the teacher would present that objective; this script, while explicitly written for the online lesson, reflects the decision-making process the Russian teacher uses in classroom instruction. These scripts include both material (such as text and illustrations) meant to be explicitly presented to students, and instructions (usually given in brackets) for which questions to ask students and how to respond to different answers.

Initial versions of Theory (i.e., explanatory) content scripts were written by the Russian teachers in a style akin to textbook chapters. These early materials mostly consisted of one-way presentations of screens and animations with little asked of the student besides clicking a “play” button to move on. In fact, this was a failure of modeling, as Russian classroom instruction is very interactive. As a consequence of this failure, most students did not make an effort to read Theory material presented to them. So, it was decided that the system should model teachers better in this regard, interactively assessing every element that students were expected to attend to. In practice, this meant that students were asked questions on every screen, or roughly every half minute. These questions in the Theory material did not grant points, but still had the desired effect on students.Footnote 8

The scripts written for these more interactive materials contained frequent questions, with different responses triggering a different reaction. For example, a Russian teacher might make a certain point, ask a question, and then react differently depending on a student’s response—moving on if the question was answered correctly, explaining the point again if it was answered incorrectly, or commenting on a specific misconception if the student’s answer suggested it was present. There is no single consistent way that teachers respond to students, as their behavior depends on the mathematical content. Figure 8 shows an example (translated into English) of an excerpt from such a script.

Fig. 8
figure 8

An example of an objective script written by Russian teachers

These scripts capture a number of aspects of Russian teachers’ practices, including the mathematical flow of their explanations of concepts, the collection of problems assigned to students, the manner in which students are questioned, the approach to developing metacognitive skills (in the case of Fig. 8, checking one’s answer), the specific wordings and visual representations used, and the ways in which teachers respond to different student answers. However, the level of detail of these scripts varies considerably from teacher to teacher, especially in the degree of interactivity. Branches in behavior are often indicated, but without great detail; an example of this can be found in Fig. 8, where the teacher means to treat differently the cases of a correct and an incorrect answer.

After a teacher completes a script, it is translated into English and sent to a curriculum developer. The curriculum developer substantially revises the script, making it culturally appropriate to an American audience, adding animated and game-like elements, introducing additional interactivity (especially in places where the teacher would likely have interacted with students, but omitted this from the script), and structuring the document to ensure that it is unambiguous for the artists and programmers developing the content. The curriculum developer aims to elaborate the script while fully preserving the mathematical and pedagogical structure; a lead teacher (who reads English) reviews the revised script to make sure that this has been accomplished. Some examples of completed scripts can be found in an appendix, “Appendix 2: Two Excerpts from Lesson Scripts.”

The problems are implemented as instances of a general “problem” object; each problem includes a statement, attributes describing difficulty level and prerequisite knowledge needed, a full step-by-step solution (often with animated illustrations or explanations), and rules for checking answers (since input formats vary, including free numerical response, formulas, and geometric construction). Everything besides problems—including explanations, illustrations, and scaffolded exercises—is implemented as a sequence of Flash animations in the Theory material. (Two examples of Theory screens from the 4th grade curriculum are shown in Fig. 9). Other elements that can be present in the script include visual illustrations, animations, and games. Because of the large quantity of branching, the logic of each Theory animation can be relatively complex, and an animation taking just a few minutes for the student to view could have several thousand lines of code.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Examples of Theory content from the Genie 2 Guided Study mode

All told, the content in Genie 2 simulates the work of Russian teachers with a certain degree of accuracy. In addition to the “locally adaptive” behavior of the Theory (which captures many aspects of the dialog Russian teachers have with students), Genie 2 inherits from the Russian teachers their approaches to explaining mathematical concepts, the coherence of the curriculum sequencing, and the selection of mathematical problems. Many of the problems are very challenging, especially at the B and C difficulty levels. For example, Fig. 10 shows a level C problem from the 2nd grade curriculum.

Fig. 10
figure 10

A response is shown to a correctly solved 2nd grade level C problem

Because so much of the instructional logic in Genie 2 resides in the content scripts, the resulting system is very sensitive to instructional differences between grades, topics, and even different components of each topic. Other systems that have captured teachers’ content-specific knowledge include Ms. Lindquist (Heffernan & Koedinger, 2002) as well as REDEEM (Major, Ainsworth, & Woods, 1997), a system that gave teachers a simple interface to edit instructional content, building in question prompts and other content-specific logic. The approach taken in Genie 2 differs from REDEEM in taking the content-specific logic from a small group of expert teachers and in imposing far fewer limitations on specific forms of logic possible in the content. Thus, the Genie 2 approach imposes greater costs for developing content, but also allows a wider variety of instructional strategies to be employed.

Implementing Genie 2 in Schools

Genie 2 was first used in the 2005–2006 school year. In this first year of use, system implementations in schools were of uneven and generally low quality (Weber, 2006). Several factors were identified as likely contributing to this. First of all, the software was complex, with many different modes and functions in the student as well as teacher interface. Second, teachers were unaccustomed to the new classroom configuration when using Reasoning Mind, and consequently did not always immediately understand their role in the classroom; in particular, many teachers did not understand that interventions with individual students or small groups were needed. Third, the strategies required to motivate students and manage the classroom were different from those in a traditional classroom, and teachers did not know these strategies and did not have the necessary context to invent them. And fourth, a lack of knowledge of Genie 2 curriculum content made teachers uncomfortable doing interventions and limited the quality of these interventions.

To remedy this, teacher professional development and support were made a required part of the program beginning with the 2006–2007 school year. The first year’s courses were developed by Reasoning Mind staff, with each subsequent year incorporating changes based on feedback from teachers and school support staff. Three years after the first courses were offered, a separate department was created to develop and administer professional development. Several staff members of this department are former Reasoning Mind teachers.

As of the 2013–2014 school year, the professional development includes either a 10-h online course or a 2-day in-person course taken in the summer before the first year of implementation, along with six workshops (done in groups of several teachers) over classroom strategies and curriculum content throughout the year. Additionally, teachers study the curriculum to understand the sequence, concepts, and approaches to explaining mathematical ideas taken in the program. Teachers take an exam after the summer classes as well as three curriculum knowledge assessments throughout the year.

The emphasis on mathematical content knowledge is necessary for several reasons. First, it is important to motivate the use of the system for teachers, who often require additional content knowledge in order to understand the ways in which the curriculum is stronger than what their school district was using previously. Second, teachers must be comfortable with the curriculum material in order to be able to conduct effective one-on-one or small group interventions with students. And finally, curriculum and content knowledge are worthwhile in themselves, since mathematics content knowledge is important for effective teaching, and teachers in many countries—including the United States—often lack a strong preparation in this area (Ma, 1999; Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005).

As to the support, each teacher is assigned an implementation coordinator. Implementation coordinators are trained by Reasoning Mind, and thus do not necessarily need prior experience in education; some implementation coordinators join directly following college or graduate study, though an increasing number join with several years of experience as classroom teachers—a background which is not essential but which has been found to be helpful. A teacher’s assigned implementation coordinator answers the teacher’s questions and helps the teacher select suitable classroom strategies. Implementation coordinators also visit teachers’ classes to observe teachers and give them feedback on their use of the program. On average, teachers receive six visits throughout the year: three observations and three discussion meetings.

Implementation coordinators conduct observations using a detailed protocol, rating teachers’ performance in a number of categories. Teachers are marked as “Not Yet Established,” “Established,” “Proficient,” or “Advanced” in each category. The categories are:

  • Data-driven decisions. Using the system’s reports to make instructional decisions.

  • Lesson planning. Planning out lesson activities beforehand, including student interventions.

  • Instructional methods. Conducting interventions; to achieve higher levels, the interventions must be varied and must include strong as well as struggling students.

  • Learning modes. Spending a large fraction of scheduled time online; regularly using the Wall of Mastery and Review Mode.

  • Teacher engagement. Being directly engaged with students during class time.

  • Procedures. Having smooth class procedures, ensuring productive use of class time and good student behavior.

  • Incentive systems. Setting clear individual student and class goals and rewards.

  • Notebooks. Ensuring students take notes and show their work in well-organized notebooks.

  • Independent learning. Ensuring students know Reasoning Mind’s independent learning strategies (including that when a student solves a problem incorrectly, the student should carefully read and understand the problem’s solution).

  • Student engagement. Keeping students on task.

Once a teacher achieves a certain level in every category, the teacher is certified at that level. For example, a teacher who is “Proficient” in most categories and “Advanced” in the remainder would be certified at the end of the year as “Proficient.”

The classrooms of teachers in different categories appear quite different. While time on task (as discussed below) is generally very high, it is particularly high in classes of “Advanced” and “Proficient” teachers. Teachers in these categories have strong classroom management, coupled with incentive systems to motivate students.

Of course, classrooms implementing the program vary substantially in their approach, in no small part owing to the relatively large scale of the program’s use. Approximately 24,000 students used the program in the 2010–2011 school year, 47,000 in 2011–2012, and 67,000 in 2012–2013. In 2011–2012, the program served 379 schools in 56 districts in 8 states; students spent 2,051,542 h online, during which time they solved (correctly or incorrectly) 44,802,848 problems; 1,282 teachers participated in the professional development, and thirty-four full-time implementation coordinators supported teachers with in-person visits throughout the year.


In this section, we survey previously published results concerning different aspects of the system’s effectiveness. This includes (non-peer-reviewed) reports written by external independent evaluators as well as a peer-reviewed study conducted by R. Baker’s group on behavior and affect in Genie 2 (Ocumpaugh et al., 2013). We also present previously unpublished results of a survey of students, teachers, and principals using the system.

Genie 1 Learning Outcomes

A prototype of Genie 2, this system was implemented in 2003 at an urban middle school in Texas. The curriculum focused on ratios and proportions. The implementation was in one classroom (30 students), with the system designers present for every session. Students used the system for 90 min every other day in addition to their regular mathematics class. The study was a randomized controlled trial, with 26 students in the control group. The program’s impact was evaluated by Weber (2003). The study found an effect size between the experimental and control group of 1.66 standard deviations on an experimenter-designed test (which covered only ratios, rates, and proportions) and 0.79 on the Texas standardized test, the TAKS (which covered all 7th grade topics required in Texas).

Genie 2 Learning Outcomes

One challenge in assessing a United States program based on the Russian curriculum is that most available instruments are much more proximal to United States curricula than to Russian programs.Footnote 9 For example, a study of three implementations in the 2006–2007 school year (Waxman & Houston, 2008) compared students using the program to students studying the “business as usual” curriculum at their school. The study—which consisted of three concurrent yearlong randomized controlled trials at three separate schools, with several classes of students participating in each school—found that between-group effect sizes on an instrument developed by the experimenters were in the range of 0.4–0.8 standard deviations, while differences between experimental and control groups on the Texas high-stakes test were not statistically significant.

The experimenter-developed test consisted of items written by Russian teachers; these items were free-response, and reflected the traditional Russian emphasis on core arithmetic, algebraic concepts, and succinct language in word problems.

After practice standardized test problems were added to the program to facilitate transfer of learning to this format, another study by the same authors found a small but statistically significant effect of the program on scores on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills test (Waxman & Houston, 2012), with a between-group effect size of d = 0.14. This study was a yearlong quasi-experimental design with 637 students in the treatment group and 777 students in the comparison group. As in the preceding study, control group students received “business as usual” mathematics instruction.

Affect and Behavior Outcomes

Another significant outcome of the system’s use is very high time on task and positive affective profile of students. Ocumpaugh et al. (2013) used the Baker-Rodrigo Observation Method Protocol (BROMP) to observe students using the program; in observations of three Texas schools—two of which served predominantly economically disadvantaged, minority students—students using the program were found to be on task 89 % of the time. Of this time, 7 % was spent in on-task conversations, confirming that students were interacting mathematically with peers and the teacher. This time on task is higher than time on task reported in traditional classrooms in suburban schools (Lee, Kelly, & Nyre, 1999), a finding which is particularly significant given that suburban students usually have higher time on task than students in urban schools. Observations furthermore found that students experienced occasional delight (3 % of the time), low boredom, frustration, and confusion (10 %, 7 %, and 9 %, respectively), and a high rate of engaged concentration (71 %). It has not yet been investigated whether student affect in Genie 2 is associated with learning outcomes, but in other learning systems this has been the case (Baker et al., 2010).

Survey Results

To determine student, teacher, and principal views of the system, Reasoning Mind staff administered anonymous surveys to samplings of 1148 students, 240 teachers, and 66 principals at the end of the 2011–2012 school year. The surveys showed that students in all grades preferred Genie 2 to traditional instruction. Furthermore, majorities of students in each grade said they at least “sort of” liked it. The overriding majority of teachers and principals accepted the program: 89 % of teachers and 93 % of principals wanted to continue using the program the next year. Teachers rated their overall experience with the program as +1.07 on a scale from −2 (very poor) to +2 (excellent). Of all individual components of the program, teachers gave the highest rating (+1.28) to the in-person support of implementation coordinators. Further confirming the importance of implementation coordinator support and in-person visits, 50 % of teachers felt they had the right number of visits from implementation coordinators, 31 % wanted more, and 19 % wanted fewer visits.

For details on the manner of survey administration, graphs of response data, and some discussion of the results, please refer to Appendix 3: Student, Teacher, and Principal Survey Results.

General Principles for Cross-Cultural Curriculum Transfer Using Intelligent Tutoring Systems

The challenges encountered and lessons learned in the course of this work suggest several general principles for designing intelligent tutoring systems intended for cross-cultural transfer of curriculum and instructional methods. In this section, we list and discuss these principles. Taken together, the principles can be seen as a proposed methodology for cross-cultural curriculum transfer using intelligent tutoring systems. We will say “source country” to mean the country whose education system is being modeled, and “target country” to mean the country where the resulting intelligent tutoring system is being introduced.

  1. 1.

    Design Knowledge Representation Structures Through Knowledge Engineering Educators in the Source Country. It was learned in the course of this work that knowledge representation structures are specific to curricula—or, more concretely, to curriculum traditions. For example, a knowledge representation structure that uses the same object—in Genie 2’s terminology, the “objective” object—to refer to a knowledge component as to a unit of instructional content is less well-suitedFootnote 10 to modeling Russian teachers than a structure where these notions have separate entities. This is because Russian mathematics course plans include a variety of lesson types, including lessons introducing new material, lessons meant to discuss connections between two or more previously covered topics, lessons meant to review some combination of previous topics in context of one another, and many other lesson types besides. This results in a complex, many-to-many relationship between topics (or knowledge components) and lessons. By contrast, American teachers usually organize instruction by knowledge components—with each unit introducing and then practicing a specific topic—and therefore their practices could be modeled more faithfully with a structure combining the two notions.

    This point has several implications. First, it illustrates how the pedagogical model can be interconnected with the student model; Wenger (1987) argues that both models are necessary, and the present example shows that they must be designed in each other’s context. Second, it suggests that modeling teachers from different traditions may be a method for uncovering additional classes of adaptive mechanisms. And third, it determines constraints on the generalizability of the Genie 2 platform to other nations’ curricula. More specifically, modeling other nations’ curricula through this kind of approach is not simply a matter of modifying the instructional content and the pedagogical rules: rather, the adaptive mechanisms and knowledge representation structures need to be customized for each curriculum tradition. This having been said, the degree to which they must be changed varies depending on how different the curriculum tradition is; for example, implementing a Singaporean curriculum—where, like in Russia, teachers take a primarily didactic approach—would be substantially easier than attempting to implement a Japanese curriculum. This is because in the Japanese approach, students work in small groups to find problem solutions, which are subsequently discussed with the teacher and the whole class (Stigler & Hiebert 2009). Capturing this group dynamic would require not only different knowledge representation structures, but also a fundamentally different student interface.

  2. 2.

    Involve Teachers from the Source Country in the Development of Each Individual Piece of Content. In the course of modeling the Russian teachers, it became apparent that they regarded the particulars of each topic as primary, and the application of general instructional principles as only secondary. (This is discussed in more detail in “Russian Mathematics Instruction.”) This implies that in order to successfully achieve cross-cultural transfer of these teachers’ instructional methods, it is insufficient to enumerate instructional principles and then write content conforming to those principles: instead, the teachers themselves must be involved in the creation of all instructional content.

    Some countries do not have as consistent a body of shared content-specific practices and mathematical knowledge for teaching as does Russia. For example, Stigler and Hiebert (2009) and Ma (1999) suggest that United States teachers do not have nearly as much such shared knowledge as do teachers in (respectively) Japan and China. While this may be interpreted as suggesting that this principle (namely, of involving source country teachers in all content development) is not always important, in practice it would only make sense to choose source countries with strong mathematics outcomes, and these source countries—as is certainly the case in Russia, Japan, and China—do tend to have a body of shared content-specific knowledge.

    The application of this principle comes with a substantial content development burden. Because each piece of content must be written, illustrated, and programmed individually, the development of a single course takes a team of several dozen people 2 years. This imposes considerable expense for expanding to new grade levels, and also makes it harder to modify existing materials. It is likely that improvements in content development interfaces will allow for material to be developed more quickly in the future, but the process is still bound to remain very labor-intensive on account of the amount of knowledge engineering that must be done for each content component.

  3. 3.

    Edit Content for Surface-Level Appropriateness to the Target country’s Culture. Given the premise of an international curriculum implementation, one might expect that differences in culture would affect the wording of content, thus making it hard to adapt materials. Indeed, it is certainly true that some story problems as written by the Russian teachers were not appropriate for American audiences: problems included splitting a telephone bill in a communal apartment, musk melons, and gathering mushrooms in the woods. Some problems were culturally inappropriate in more subtle ways, such as one which provided information on two twins’ smoking habits and asked the student to find which of them would die sooner. There were some similar cases with content illustrations made by Russian artists; for example, a picture showing the Vitruvian Man made American teachers uncomfortable, and was consequently removed.

    Nevertheless, addressing these issues of surface-level cultural differences is actually a matter of routine. In the case of Genie 2, because content had to go through translation and substantial editing regardless, it was enough to build cultural adaptation into that process. Story problems could all be easily changed to different scenarios without affecting the mathematical structure, and illustrations were reviewed using a set of guidelines listing the subjects and images to be avoided.

  4. 4.

    Focus not Only on Content, but Also on Instructional Experiences The Genie 2 system has a number of shortcomings in capturing certain aspects of Russian mathematics instruction; some of these shortcomings are described by Valcarce (2012). To list a few, Genie 2 fails to adequately model explicit coaching on mathematical solution writing, students’ presenting of work to their peers, the integration of daily homework with planned lessons, and the use of periodic quizzes and exams to motivate retention of newly acquired knowledge.

    These shortcomings were first noticed after the system was fully developed, put into use, and then analyzed in cooperation with the team of Russian teachers who participated in making it; they were caused by a failure to center knowledge engineering from the beginning around instructional experiences rather than purely content. By asking source country teachers to write content directly for an intelligent tutoring system, one immediately imposes constraints on what they can do. This can lead teachers to discard those components of their practice that do not obviously fit into the new genre. Furthermore, experts are not always equipped to model their own expertise, and this introduces an additional source of modeling error.

    Thus, developers of intelligent tutoring systems for cross-cultural transfer of instructional methods would do well to begin by classifying the key instructional experiences of students in the source country, and only then designing learning interfaces and expected (offline) implementation practices meant to deliver these experiences to students in the target country.

    In addition to this kind of front-end focus on instructional experiences, it is advisable to constantly evaluate the experiences of students using the system and to compare them against the experiences of source country students. One method found to be particularly helpful is to create an explicit catalog of source country instructional experiences (developed through interviews with expert teachers in the source country). Another helpful method is to bring source country expert teachers to the target country so that they can observe implementations of the system and provide their feedback on the specific instructional experiences students are (or are not) having.

  5. 5.

    Understand and Design for Existing Accountability Structures in the Target Country. The accountability structures of schools in different countries—and even in the same country at different times—can vary considerably, and this has very significant implications for whether and how schools will choose to implement intelligent tutoring systems. For example, United States schools are subject to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, a national law that imposes severe penalties on schools whose students fail to make progress on state-administered standardized achievement tests (Hamilton et al., 2007). By contrast, Russian schools have much more limited external accountability, but at various times in their history have been subject to national laws mandating the use of centrally approved curricula and lesson sequencings (Karp & Vogeli, 2010).

    In virtually all of the school districts using Genie 2, administrators had responded to the requirements of No Child Left Behind by implementing extensive yearlong testing programs to monitor students’ learning. These programs usually took the form of frequent “benchmark” tests, substantial exams consisting of problems meant to emulate those of the high-stakes test. Each benchmark test covered the topics scheduled to be taught in the preceding one or two months. By the end of the first semester, students were often expected to have covered all of the tested topics, freeing the second semester for review and additional practice.

    These benchmarks imposed a de facto expected sequencing of topics throughout the year. These sequencings were often mathematically arbitrary, and were different in every district. Most of the teachers and administrators involved in using the program assumed that mathematical topics could be taught in an arbitrary order, and had the concomitant expectation that objectives in Genie 2 could and would be reordered to match the district’s chosen sequencing. However, this was impossible to do, as topics in Russian mathematics courses are sequenced to form a coherent progression (cf. Schmidt, Houang, & Cogan, 2002), and reordering them would disrupt this coherence.

    This mismatch between districts’ expectations and the system’s requirements posed a substantial obstacle to the program’s expansion. First of all, many districts declined to even begin implementations of the program when they learned that topics must necessarily be covered in a different order from the district’s sequencing. In districts that did choose to implement the program despite the fixed sequencing, the benchmarks often posed a threat to implementation fidelity: when students using the program did worse on a benchmark than other students (which was bound to happen, given that the benchmarks were aligned to the sequence studied by the students not using the program), there was a strong pressure to reduce time online and switch to test preparation to obtain better results on the next benchmark.

    One school district developed two sets of benchmarks, one aligned to the Reasoning Mind sequencing and the other to the regular district sequencing, and administered both sets to all students. As expected, each group of students consistently did better than the other on the benchmarks aligned to its own sequencing.

    Thus, the issue of sequencing complicated the program’s expansion into new districts and compromised the quality of implementations. Some methods have been developed to mitigate—though not altogether remove—the issue: focusing on district-wide adoptions (so that students using the program are not subjected to monthly comparisons using misaligned instruments), consistently explaining the motivation for the fixed sequencing to administrators, and supporting teachers in doing some amount of test preparation concurrently with students’ use of the program. With the most committed partner districts, it has been possible to develop benchmark tests aligned with the program’s sequencing and completely replace the previous benchmarks with these new tests; while difficult to accomplish, this is much closer to a complete solution to the problem.Footnote 11

    Therefore, the accountability systems of both the source country and especially the target country have serious implications for adoption and implementation. These accountability systems should be carefully studied in designing cross-cultural intelligent tutoring systems and should inform decisions concerning system design and implementation.

  6. 6.

    Provide Considerable In-Person Technological as Well as Instructional Support to Teachers in the Target Country. Because so many aspects of the program were new to teachers—the different classroom setup, the curriculum, the teacher interface, and so on—considerable effort was required to provide sufficient training, monitoring, and support. In particular, frequent in-person school visits have been essential for giving teachers feedback and encouragement. While this has substantially increased the cost to schools (creating an obstacle to expansion), it has led to strong relationships with participating teachers and has turned out to be essential for strong implementation of Genie 2.

    This kind of instructional support is best developed iteratively: i.e., through carefully studying existing implementations, cataloging deficiencies, and then redesigning the teacher training and support model to address them for future years.

    In addition to enabling stronger implementations, in-person support greatly increases the feedback obtained from target country teachers using the program. Such feedback is essential for iterative refinement of the system, as any educational technology will only be implemented to the extent that it meets the needs and constraints of teachers (Cuban, 1986), and technologies based on other countries’ education systems are at particular risk of unintended and unnoticed misalignment with these needs and constraints.

    Of course, providing this kind of in-person support is expensive, and therefore is only practical on a large scale in countries where school budgets are sufficiently large to cover the costs. The United States is such a country: while the development of software and curriculum has been subsidized by philanthropy, schools using Reasoning Mind have covered the cost of providing in-person support.

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    Evaluate Implementation Fidelity in the Target Country Using Unambiguous and Reliable Protocols. Because cultural expectations for instruction in the source and target country can be very different, the teachers implementing a system may not realize when they are not using it as intended. Furthermore, even a trained school support staff—if consisting of nationals of the target country—may not understand what components are missing or misconstrued in a given implementation.

    In Genie 2, for example, it was found that United States teachers did not ascribe as much value to careful note-taking and showing of written work as did Russian teachers, did not always understand the importance of remediating gaps in prior knowledge, and deprioritized solving more advanced (level B and level C) problems. These differences in mathematical values were addressed by implementation coordinators, who observed teachers’ classrooms and gave them feedback. To ensure that the observations were consistent and achieved the intended purpose, it was essential to develop clear protocols for observing and giving feedback (namely, the Implementation Levels described in “Implementing Genie 2 in Schools”).


Concerning the Effectiveness of Genie 2

From the point of view of student learning outcomes, the evidence indicates that students using the program learn more than students in traditional classrooms. The same is true of other intelligent tutoring systems; for example, Cognitive Tutors in algebra have shown at-scale effects of between 0 and 0.3 standard deviations on standardized tests (Ritter et al., 2007; Campuzano et al., 2009; Pane et al., 2013) and 0.7–1.0 standard deviations on more proximal instruments (VanLehn, 2011; Anderson et al., 1995; Koedinger et al., 1997), and there are encouraging results for systems such as Wayang’s Outpost (Arroyo et al., 2004) and Assistments (Razzaq et al., 2005). It is important to note that the approach taken in Genie 2 is not an alternative to other approaches, as future learning systems could synthesize different lines of attack.

It is unknown how much the central idea of Genie 2—namely, modeling the Russian mathematics teaching approach—contributes to the system’s success in engaging students and improving outcomes. However, there are several ways in which it is particularly likely to play a role. First, by organizing knowledge around mathematically meaningful structures, teaching and employing explicit rules and definitions, and providing explanatory feedback, the curriculum could encourage students to develop deeper knowledge of mathematics. Second, through consistent and deliberately planned spaced practice of skills, the system could lead to greater procedural fluency. Third, through the use of guided instruction, fading, and the absence of mathematically meaningless tasks, the system could lead to more efficient use of instructional time, and this in turn could lead to greater learning. Fourth, by breaking concepts into constituent components and using mathematically precise language, the system’s explanations could be clearer for students (indeed, students often report that they can understand the system’s explanations better than those they receive in traditional math classes), and this could contribute to the observed low boredom and low time off task; this in turn has significant implications for outcomes: for example, Anderson & Schunn (2000) argue that time on task is essential to successful learning, and could account for much of the difference in outcomes between students in the United States and mathematically high-performing countries. And fifth, by immersing United States teachers in a stronger curriculum and providing them with support and professional development focused on mathematics content knowledge, the approach could increase the quality of instruction they provide to students in their classrooms; teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching is associated with student learning (Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005). Further investigation is needed to determine which—if any—of these possible causes are responsible for the observed learning gains.

Computer and Human Components of the “System”

Regardless of which causes are responsible, it has been clear since the 2005–2006 school year that robust teacher support is an essential precondition for successful implementation of Genie 2. Put another way, the “system” really includes not only the software platform and content, but also all of the procedures in place for training and supporting teachers and principals.

Viewed from this perspective, Genie 2 consists of a large number of components—an adaptive rule-based algorithm, instructional content, suitably trained and supported classroom teachers, online tutors—collectively designed to emulate the behavior of expert Russian mathematics teachers, or—more specifically—to recreate the instructional experiences that students in those Russian teachers’ classrooms would have. Closed-ended tasks, such as providing explanations, checking numerical answers, and tracking data are performed by the computer system; meanwhile, teachers (and in some cases online tutors) perform tasks which are more open-ended or require physical presence in the classroom, such as managing the class, evaluating the quality of written work, providing interventions, encouraging productive peer interactions, and creating a positive class culture. This is much easier for teachers than implementing a foreign curriculum in a traditional classroom, since the computer system not only takes care of certain tasks requiring particularly deep curriculum-specific content knowledge (such as providing explanations of concepts and selecting appropriate problems), but also scaffolds all instructional experiences in the classroom, effectively immersing not only students, but also the teacher in the new curriculum.

Future Directions

Genie 2 successfully captures a number of aspects of expert Russian teachers’ practice. However, there are also several significant practices that it fails to model. First, because the expert Russian teachers were instructed to write scripts directly for the computer implementation, it is to be expected that they discarded—either intentionally or without realizing it—those practices which they could not easily fit within the prescribed boundaries of the system. Second, the self-paced nature of the system and the organization of content in the system around “objectives” (each of which discusses a single concept or set of related concepts) is at odds with Russian course plans, which consist of 45-min lessons, each designed to be taken in one sitting and containing a wide range of different activities, including explanations of new material, review of old concepts, and “consolidation” of recently acquired ones; this means that every student studying in the system effectively receives a different “lesson plan” in each session, and these lesson plans do not correspond in any precise way to Russian curriculum lesson plans. Because the structure and storyline of each lesson is an important aspect of Russian pedagogical thinking and practice (Karp & Zvavich, 2011), this difference is significant. Third, in the Vygotskian tradition, Russian teachers give great importance to dialog in lessons: the teacher frequently calls individual students to the blackboard to participate in structured discussions with the teacher, and the rest of the class observes and learns from this dialog; this instruction through vicarious learning is not in any way captured in Genie 2. For a further discussion of the ways in which Genie 2 succeeds and fails in simulating Russian teachers, see M. Valcarce’s manuscript on the subject (Valcarce, 2012). The pedagogical model of Genie 2 could likely be strengthened by incorporating these and other currently missing aspects of the expert teachers’ practice.


The results presented here show that it is possible to use intelligent tutoring systems to implement one country’s mathematics curriculum and instructional practices in another country in a way that has high acceptance among students and teachers, and furthermore can be sustained at a scale of at least tens of thousands of students. As a practical contribution, we described Genie 2, a concrete such system which has successfully brought many aspects of Russian mathematics education to United States students; previously published works have found that this system improves student learning outcomes. Finally, we have outlined a collection of design principles extracted from the experience of designing, implementing, and iteratively refining Genie 2. Taken together, these principles represent a proposed methodology for the design of intelligent tutoring systems intended for cross-cultural transfer of curriculum and instructional methods.