With this issue we launch a new journal in the Metallurgical and Materials Transactions family which we are calling Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E: Materials for Energy Systems. MMTE will initially be published quarterly. It has as its focus metallurgical and materials issues that are related to energy concerns. In line with our usual content, we will publish papers in MMTE that deal the Processing/Structure/Property/Performance relationships of specific metals and materials that are used in energy conversion, energy storage, and energy transmission, as well as papers which deal with materials used to increase the efficiency of these technologies. We have published papers like these in MMTA and MMTB over the years, but this journal will put together in one place such articles. The green cover was chosen to remind readers that we are interested in “green” energy!

This journal will have two editors dedicated to its oversight: Dr. Steven J. Zinkle, UT/ORNL Governor’s Chair of the Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering of the University of Tennessee, and Professor Victorino Franco of the Condensed Matter Physics Department at Sevilla University, Spain. Professor Sridhar Seetharaman, the TATA Steel and Royal Academy of Engineering Joint Chair for Research into Low Carbon Materials Technology in the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) at the University of Warwick, will also spend some of his time on this journal as well as with MMTA and MMTB.

The journal is under the oversight of the Joint Commission of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, which is composed of appointees from the ASM International, of Materials Park, Ohio, and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), of Warrendale, Pennsylvania. I am the Principal Editor for the three journals.

We look forward to this adventure and invite the submission of papers from the metals and materials community that deal with energy issues.

David E. Laughlin

ALCOA Professor of Physical Metallurgy

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Carnegie Mellon University

Principal Editor

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions