The members of the Editorial Board of Aging Clinical and Experimental Research would like to pay tribute to one of the scientists to whom our Journal is and will be forever grateful. This past July, Edward J. Masoro, pioneer in research on the biology of aging, died after suffering a debilitating fall. It would take considerable space to write a detailed synopsis of his many accomplishments in the field of the biology of aging, a mid-career change in his focus after dedicating a part of his scientific life to the study of lipid metabolism. Suffice it to say that some of his pioneering studies in laboratory rats demonstrating that caloric restriction both extend life as well as delay the onset of many of the pathophysiologic changes and diseases that accompany aging continue to inspire researchers seeking to understand the mechanisms underlying the aging process.

Besides his research, academic responsibilities, and participation in numerous American and international scientific societies and advisory panels, he was actively involved in networking with other scientists providing platforms for research findings. In fact, he was instrumental in the creation of the Aging Research and Education Center in San Antonio, and he was the founder and editor of the Journals of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. Together with Prof. Gaetano Crepaldi, another luminary in the field of gerontology, he founded also our Aging Clinical and Experimental Research journal in 1989.

All of us are inspired by his legacy and together with his family and colleagues mourn his passing.

Stefania Maggi
