Due to space considerations several years ago, during the leadership of the late Founding Editor Roko Aliprantis, the Exposita section of Economic Theory (ET) was discontinued. Over the last few years the desirability of publishing substantial short papers became evident. To this end the executive committeeFootnote 1 of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), decided to launch a companion journal to ET, named Economic Theory Bulletin (ETB), whose objective is to publish:

  1. 1.

    Short papers and notes of substantial interest. Suitable papers must contain nontrivial and novel arguments. Results that follow as corollaries of already known theorems in the literature are not appropriate for publication.

  2. 2.

    Longer survey papers that provide an overview of ideas at work in the area, describe the essential technical apparatus used, and review open questions of significance.

Our intention is for ETB to compliment ET. For purposes of continuity and to maintain the same standards as ET, the Editorial Board of ETB is identical with that of ET. We are grateful to the Board for its support, devotion and hard work. Our publisher Springer under the leadership of Martina Bihn kindly offered to assist in producing ETB on behalf of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory. We thank Martina for her kind cooperation.

We hope that ETB will continue the success of ET and will become the main outlet for significant short and survey papers for years to come. We warmly invite you to submit your work to ETB.

David K. Levine, President

Nicholas C. Yannelis, Editor