Eight years after the publication of the first issue of the JUS, dedicated to the ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system (UMS), we have had the opportunity to edit a second issue that you now hold in your hands. We thank the current JUS editors for giving us this opportunity. We worked on the project with the usual enthusiasm even though we have been interested in the topic for more than thirty years!

In the last 8 years, many things have changed in the role of UMS and the diagnostic protocol in osteoarticular pathology. Considered a “less important” technique compared to more “important” imaging techniques, ultrasound, at present, has taken a decisive and often primary role in the assessment of osteoarticular diseases and the study of peripheral nerves, vessels, and soft tissues in general.

The technical improvement of the equipment, combined with the continuous decrease in its cost, has led to an expansion of ultrasound examinations. Together with conventional radiology, UMS allows providers to make a diagnosis of certainty or high probability in the majority of outpatient cases. In a difficult economic moment like the present, limiting more expensive exams seems fundamental.

Thanks to the continuous activity of scientific societies, such as SIUMB, the quality level of UMS has grown steadily. It is within this perspective of training and qualitative development of ultrasound performance in the osteoarticular field that this monothematic number comes to light.

We sincerely thank the authors of the articles who, in a very demanding moment for everyone, participated with the same enthusiasm that we had, taking time away from their professional and personal activities. The high quality of their articles speaks for itself and testifies to their competence, teaching ability, and availability.

Enjoy reading!

Stefano Bianchi

Ferdinando Draghi