1 Correction to: PharmacoEconomics https://doi.org/10.1007/s40273-022-01152-8

In the original online version, the first sentence of the Results section in the Abstract and the fourth sentence of the figure 2 legend have been incorrectly published.

The first sentence in the Results section previously read as:

Patients treated with inclisiran gained a 0.291 quality-adjusted life-year at an incremental cost per QALY gained of CHF 211,070/228,040 (life-long time horizon, discount rate 3%) under the lower/higher price.

It should read as:

Patients treated with inclisiran gained a 0.291 quality-adjusted life-year at an incremental cost per QALY gained of CHF 21,107/228,040 (life-long time horizon, discount rate 3%) under the lower/higher price.

The fourth sentence of the figure 2 legend previously read as:

The length of the bar indicates the resulting incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) when the respective parameter is set to its lower (lighter shade) and upper (darker shade) bound values (see text for ranges); the diagram is centred on the base-case ICER, i.e. CHF 211,070/228,040 under the lower/higher inclisiran price assumption.

It should read:

The length of the bar indicates the resulting incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) when the respective parameter is set to its lower (lighter shade) and upper (darker shade) bound values (see text for ranges); the diagram is centred on the base-case ICER, i.e. CHF 21,107/228,040 under the lower/higher inclisiran price assumption.

The original article has been corrected.