1 Correction to: Drugs (2021) 81:985–1002 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40265-021-01528-8

Please note that the drug cenerimod has been misspelled twice in this article as cerenimod.

Section 3.5.1 Cenerimod, second paragraph on page 994. The fourth sentence, which currently reads

“At week 11, 30% in the vehicle group died, whereas all cerenimod-treated mice survived.”

Should read:

“At week 11, 30% in the vehicle group died, whereas all cenerimod-treated mice survived.”

Section 4.2 Cardiovascular Events, first paragraph on page 944. The eighth sentence, which currently reads

“Conversely, up-titration is not required for compounds with long half-lives (fingolimod, cerenimod) due to the less pronounced first-dose-related negative chronotropic effects, presumably due to “built-in up-titration” [4, 110].”

Should read:

“Conversely, up-titration is not required for compounds with long half-lives (fingolimod, cenerimod) due to the less pronounced first-dose-related negative chronotropic effects, presumably due to “built-in up-titration” [4, 110].”