Dear Colleague,

We would like to welcome you to Ophthalmology and Therapy, an international, web-based, open access journal whose prime target is the therapy of ocular disease.

Our aim, as Editors-in-Chief, is to ensure rapid, peer-reviewed publication of original articles on preclinical and clinical research topics, in addition to reviews, case reports, and short communications. Ophthalmology and Therapy is interested in discovery, drug development, and medical and surgical therapies and devices.

Areas of focus include, but are not limited to, ocular inflammation and infection, ocular surgery (including cataract, keratorefractive, glaucoma, vitreoretinal, and keratoplasty), and also dry eye, ocular allergy, and conjunctivitis. Other areas are medical retina, including diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and macular edema. There is a special interest in new devices and novel drugs and therapies.

The journal is also keen to publish research concerning prevention and management as well as the results of clinical trials and studies of public health, pharmacoeconomic, diagnostic, and general educational interest.

As an electronic publication, Ophthalmology and Therapy has many advantages over traditional publishing. We aim to complete reviews within 2 weeks of receipt of an article, and to publish online within 4 weeks from the time of acceptance. Article length and number of illustrations is not a constraint. Also, videos and animations can be included and there is the opportunity to set up interactive case studies. In order to reach as wide an audience as possible, each article includes a key summary slide, and it is possible to add a more extensive summary in the form of a PowerPoint presentation with up to 11 slides.

Other attractive features are also of interest. Ophthalmology and Therapy publishes supplements and special issues, in any language. These may include sponsored meeting proceedings, roundtable discussions, workshop reports, case series, and so on, with all articles subject to peer review. Details of page charges and other aspects of the submission and publication process can be found at

We think that you will enjoy reading Ophthalmology and Therapy and enthusiastically encourage you to contribute.