Correction to: Cardiol Ther (2023) 12:371–391

There were a number of minor errors in the online ahead-of-print version of this article, as summarized below. These errors are corrected in the published version.

Row headers were indented incorrectly in Table 1 on pages 9, 11, and 12; in Table 2 on page 13; and in Table 3 on page 14.

The footers of Table 1, Table 3, and Table 5 contained abbreviations not used in the table. The footer of Table 5 was missing an abbreviation that appeared in the Table.

In the Table 1 footer on page 12, abbreviations ACEI and ARB should appear separately.

Minor editorial errors appeared on pages 7, 12–16, and 18.

The first row of Table 2 and Table 3 should appear in their respective table footnotes instead of within the table.

Incorrect text appeared in the caption of Fig. 1 on page 15.

Minor editorial changes were made to Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Odds ratios for adherence outcomes after matching. CI confidence interval, MPR medication possession ratio, OAC oral anticoagulant, OR odds ratio, PDC proportion of days covered, VKA vitamin K antagonist

Numbers in the y-axis of Fig. 3C were cut off.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Kaplan–Meier curves of time to discontinuation of index therapy after matching for a edoxaban and apixaban, b edoxaban and dabigatran, c edoxaban and rivaroxaban, and d edoxaban and VKA. No number, VKA vitamin K antagonist

The original article has been corrected.