Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) has become a significant policy objective worldwide. In India, the government plans to apply the IWRM protocols through different projects under Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (Watershed Development Component), with stakeholder participation, to achieve sustainable economic growth. The programs adopt a common strategy of multi-resource management involving all stakeholders within the watershed who, together as a group, co-operatively identify the resource issues and concerns of the watershed and develop and implement a watershed plan with environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable solutions. However, evaluating the performance of watershed projects is challenging as the diverse socio-economic characteristics influence project goals. Commonly, watershed managers face a major problem: identifying key performance evaluation variables for a participatory appraisal to assess ‘the’ disparity in performance against planned importance. In this paper, a participatory performance evaluation framework is proposed from a base-line study of three Integrated Watershed Management Program projects in the lower Brahmaputra valley zone of Assam, India, namely, the Satpokholi, Kaldia, and the Turkunijan. The framework contains 65 variables divided into eight categories of developmental goals built on IWRM principles, priorities in planning, project goals, and regional socio-economic settings focusing on community information. Based on the framework, a structured questionnaire survey, using a four-point ratio scale field surveys are conducted amongst the community in the selected projects. Performance Index (PI) of each projects are obtained by analysing the data. The results show that besides providing better bottom-up performance evaluation in watershed management, this model would provide inputs to design intervention against the nonalignment of project performance and planned importance by policy-makers.
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The authors thank the officers of the Irrigation, Soil Conservation and Water Resource department, Assam, Project consultants from monitoring agencies and community stakeholders participating in this study for their valuable opinions. In addition, the authors thank Mr P.K. Sarma and Mr K.C. Das for helping the field Survey in the project area.
The authors declare that no funds, grants, or other support were received during the preparation of this manuscript.
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Conceptualisation: Bhabesh Mahanta, Arup Kumar Sarma and Sashindra Kumar Kakoty. Methodology: Bhabesh Mahanta, Arup Kumar Sarma and Sashindra Kumar Kakoty. Formal analysis and investigation: Bhabesh Mahanta. Writing—original draft preparation: Bhabesh Mahanta; Writing—review and editing: Arup Kumar Sarma and Sashindra Kumar Kakoty; Resources: Bhabesh Mahanta, Arup Kumar Sarma and Sashindra Kumar Kakoty. Supervision: Arup Kumar Sarma and Sashindra Kumar Kakoty.
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Mahanta, B., Sarma, A.K. & Kakoty, S.K. Bridging the Gap: Assessing Performance and Planned Importance in Watershed Projects Using Participatory Methods. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. A (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-024-00827-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-024-00827-z