When this journal was found in 2011, one of our main goals was to have a competitive quality level with the best multimedia journals, worldwide. At the time, the top scientific multimedia community was the ACM SIG Multimedia (SIGMM) and so the majority of the IJMIR founding editorial board was composed of senior ACM SIG Multimedia members. Many of these same board members also had strong track records in starting major new initiatives such as the Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR) and the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) and/or in leading the SIGMM along with the top multimedia conferences and journals.

The grand challenge was then to reach a top-tier impact level among the ACM multimedia endorsed journals (such as the ones on the SIGMM website) as measured by the most well-known scientific index of the time: Web of Science Journal Citation Reports.

This year, we achieved that goal with a 3.2 impact factor in the Web of Science index which places us in a close competitive position with respect to the best ACM multimedia (and related) journals.

In addition, based on the Scopus index, we have a Cites/Doc. of 5.3 (from the website, it says “The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor”) and is in Q1 (best quartile) for the large category of Media Technology journals. Specifically, IJMIR is 9th out of 314 journals.

We are very grateful for the support and cooperation from the ACM SIG Multimedia and the International MIR Society.

Moreover, it is clear that the main reason for the journal's success is the contributions from authors and reviewers. To them, we wish to express our deep appreciation and gratitude. It is the research community that matters the most!

Michael Lew


International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval.