MicroArt highlights the beauty and charm found in the microscopic world of materials. Most of the time our focus is on the technical and scientific aspect of microstructures, but we also know that the objects we observe in the microscope are often striking in their appearance. Here we devote some space among our technical publications to showcase micrographs that possess an interesting artistic aesthetic quality.

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Readers who are interested in sharing their own images for this feature may email them to the editor of MMA at ryan.deacon@asminternational.org.

Oxide Corals in the Metallic Zn Sea

This extraordinary piece depicts a nature-inspired masterpiece, showcasing oxide corals within a metallic Zn sea. The micrograph beautifully captures a Zn-Cu alloy following galvanic corrosion with a Ni substrate.

Contributed by:

Camila Konno, André Barros, Clarissa Cruz, Prof. Dr. Amauri Garcia, and Prof. Dr. Noé Cheung

Solidification Research Group (GPS), Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering

University of Campinas—UNICAMP

Campinas, SP, Brazil