Summer is winding down quickly now, which means that fall will be here before we know it, which also means MS&T 2019 is right around the corner. This year it even comes a little early, as it was moved up a few weeks on the calendar from its usual spot to September 29–October 3.

The International Metallographic Society has organized a symposium titled “Characterization of Materials and Properties through Metallography, Mechanical Testing, and Analysis—From Fundamentals to the Cutting Edge” that would be of interest to our readers. The talks in this symposium are grouped into three sessions:

  • Metallographic Preparation Techniques from Fundamentals to Novel Solutions

  • Microstructural Characterization and the Correlation of Microstructure to Mechanical Properties

  • Quantification, Classification, and Simulation of Microstructures and Properties

There will be something for everyone at this symposium. Presentation topics include corrosion, weldability, thermal- and mechanical-processing, additive manufacturing, advanced characterization methods, and archaeometallurgy.

In addition to the symposium talks, the IMS symposium will feature two special events. The first is the Henry-Clifton Sorby Award Lecture, given by this year’s award recipient, Professor Helmut Clemens of Montanuniversität Leoben. Dr. Clemens’ seminar, entitled “Development and Characterization of High-Performance Materials by Means of Cross-Scale Metallography and Complementary Methods,” is one you do not want to miss. The second special event will be a panel session on the interpretation and implementation of ASTM standards in metallography, chaired by Dr. Mike Keeble, US Labs and Technology Manager for Buehler. If you have ever had questions about the details of an ASTM standard, or how to put a standard into practice in the lab, this session will be an excellent opportunity to have those questions answered by industry experts.

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Of course, it goes without saying that perhaps the best part of attending MS&T is the opportunity to interact with your colleagues and contemporaries in person again, and to meet new people both in your field and from other disciplines. Attending the social events at MS&T is a great way to meet new potential collaborators, to stay abreast of developments in your field, and to simply enjoy the company of your professional colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere.

I look forward to MS&T this year, and hope to see many of you there in Portland!