Dear Actuaries and Colleagues, dear Friends and Subscribers,

Our journal and its crew have reached two milestones, which have to be communicated. First, in November last year we were informed that EAJ is included into the SCOPUS citation index, with a most encouraging statement of the reviewers.

Second, also in last November, a Swiss association was founded which from now on acts as the owner and editor of EAJ. The members of this association are the actuarial societies of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland and Turkey. Our association has an operating board with the following members: Michael Renz (Germany, Chair of the Board), Xavier Milhaud (France, Vice Chair of the Board), Holger Walz (Switzerland), Carla Angela (Italy), Łukasz Delong (Poland), Jan Dhaene (Belgium), and Sevtap Kestel (Turkey). Membership in the association is open to all national actuarial associations in Europe.

Finally, we would like to announce the third EAJ conference in Lyon, France, from September 5 to 8, 2016. Further details can be found on the inside front cover.

figure a

Christian Hipp


figure b

Michael Renz

Chair of the Board